Nelson/Wolfe Headings
When you turn in your homework, you are often asked to put a heading on your paper. The heading tells your name and the date when you finished your work. It may also tell which subject you are studying and the type of homework it is. In other words, the heading gives your teacher the information he or she needs to grade the assignment. Writers use headings in a very similar way.
Helpful hints about headings: Headings give the reader clues about what he or she will find in the text below it. If the reader is trying to locate a specific fact, he or she can look at the headings to figure out where to find the information. That way, he or she does not have to read the entire article to find the information he or she needs! If a writer is covering a lot of information, headings can be helpful in organizing that information. Think of headings as "titles" and subheadings as "mini-titles."
Example 2
Where should a reader look if he or she wanted to learn about the most popular subgenre of punk rock? If a reader has strong religious beliefs what heading would they look under to find Punk music that would cater to their beliefs?
Questions Volunteer Under which heading would the reader look if he or she wanted to know how the Peace Corps program got its start? The birth of the Volunteer program If the reader wanted to know more about the Peace Corps' past achievements, where should he or she look? Many Missions Accomplished
Questions for Emissions What is the main heading on this page? A If you need to learn how to control a closed crankcase system which heading would you use? D If you want to learn where emissions are created on a TRX 400 EX? A