QRIS Quality Improvement Grants Board of Early Education and Care March 9, 2010
2 Massachusetts is developing a Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), which is a method to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early care & education and after- school settings. As part of this pilot, EEC hopes to provide program quality improvement grants to eligible programs as an incentive to participate in the pilot and to help them make targeted progress on the QRIS, directly linked to the QRIS Standards. Overview of Proposal
3 Self Assessment Each program would use the QRIS Provisional Standards to complete a program self-assessment and identify which standards they currently meet and which standards they would need to meet to move to the next level(s) of the QRIS. Programs would not be expected to hire outside reliable raters to perform the ERS, or other areas where an outside reliable rater is required, in advance of applying for this grant. Program Improvement Plan Using the information from the program’s self-assessment, the program will develop and submit a program improvement plan to address how they would create, train, or otherwise implement the standards they need to meet in order to move to the next level of the QRIS. Grant Model
4 Program Improvement Plan – Continued Programs would select specific aspects of their program improvement plan for which they are seeking additional resources from EEC to implement between May 1, June 30, 2010 that move them at least one level on the QRIS. Due to this timeline applicants will be required to demonstrate the ability to accomplish planned purchases / activities. Other Required Services Programs must complete an Outcomes and Measures Form, documenting the improvements they made with this grant. Programs must commit to participating, to the extent possible, in opportunities to share their best practices and pilot experience with other providers/programs. Grant Model, Continued
Example of QRIS Self Assessment and Improvement Plan (Template to be Further Developed) 5
Funding Proposal 6 EEC is proposing to making up to $4,000,000 of CCDF quality funds available for this grant program. Providers / Programs within the mixed delivery system would be eligible for individual grants up to $10,000 each. Grants would be site specific (not classroom specific) based on the program types provided in QRIS Standards, which include: 1. Center/School Based Programs; 2. Family Child Care Programs; and 3. After School and Out of School Time Programs) Programs may apply individually for grants, or lead agencies and family child care systems may apply for grants on behalf of multiple sites/providers within their agency/system for distribution to their affiliated providers/programs (cap of $100,000 per agency/system).
7 Eligible fund use will be directly tied to QRIS Standards and allowable expenses for CCDF Quality Funds and may include: Professional development for educators and/or parents/families linked to QRIS. Staff/Educators planning time to build collaborative agreements, engage more deeply with health consultants, to develop policies named in the QRIS standards etc. Costs associated with Certified Playground Inspection Accreditation facilitation support or accreditation fees Appropriate materials that support QRIS progress (for staff or parent resource centers, portable sink with running water for hand washing etc.) Purchase of screening or assessment tools Annual financial review conducted by a CPA Translation of materials and resources into parents primary or preferred languages Consultant regarding environmental design of space to meet requirements in the “Environment” section of the QRIS Application/renewal costs for Child Development Associate (CDA) credential Annual consultations by a Health Consultant to monitor records, update health care policies and practices, identify program issues, assist programs in complying with health and safety requirements and provides a written report to the program Administrative costs (not to exceed 5% of total grant award or any subcontract) Grant funds shall not be used to pay for the following: duplicative services paid for through other EEC grants/sources, consumables, hardware and/or any items that exceed the contractor's/grantee's capital asset threshold etc. Potential Use of Funds
Priority for Awarding Funds EEC will ensure funding is allocated in a manner which ensures diversity in terms of geographic and program/provider type representation to the extent possible based on applications received. Once geographic and mixed system representation are ensured, if EEC receives applications for funding beyond $4M, EEC will next prioritize programs where 50% or more of the children are receiving financial assistance (definition used ensures public schools would also be eligible). 8
Timeline 9 March 10-15EEC to develop RFP and Self Assessment and Program Improvement Templates March 15Post RFP March 22 Grantees submit questions March 29EEC responds to question April 5 Proposals due to EEC (EEC reserves the right to extend this deadline based is available resources are not allocated by applications received by this date) April 5- 12EEC reviews applications April 12EEC selects/posts grantees April EEC: processing work for payments May 1Grantees receive payment June 30All goods and services purchased by grantees with these grant funds must be received and accepted on or before June 30th.