Presented by: Chrysanne Lowe Title: VP Global Customer Marketing Date:10/6/06 Orbis Panel, Portland Oregon Redefining Roles: New Relationships between Publishers, Libraries, and Agents in the E-world
Publishing Cycle Classic
Publishing Cycle 2006
Electronic Licensing 11 years ago No one knew how to sell E-Journals Subscription agents were entrenched in print issues No electronic licensing standards E-Media is different than print Only the licensee can guarantee to publisher. Subscription Agents could not legally sign for an institution Librarians wanted to work directly with the major publishers Customers wanted to negotiate volume discounts Formation of consortia New pricing models emerged for electronic. Standard catalog no longer applied
“Change is not merely necessary to life — it is life.” Alvin Toffler, American Writer and Futurist
But how will Elsevier be replacing the services provided by subscription agents? i.e. Pricing, bibliographic changes, access problems, renewals, EDI invoicing…
PricingPricing – Lack of standardization brings more options and but no more instant estimates across publishers. – Print pricelist posted on – Avg print price increase announced July – Direct relationship enables communication of licensing options. P+E, E-only, DDP options: Communication can get lost or confused via third parties. – The more Elsevier works directly with customers, the better we understand your needs and our business models and licensing terms evolve. (e.g. archiving options) With agents, I could get a complete estimate of my total price for all my subscriptions, all consolidated. Now every contract has different terms, price caps; I need an army of people to estimate pricing.
Bibliographic changes Coming this month 2006: Customized Title Communications We will notify designated customer account administrators via personal of title changes that affect your institution’s list prior to loading changes on ScienceDirect "This is a great new service. Thanks very much" --Electronic Acquisitions Librarian, University of Pennsylvania Library]
Access Problems Q3 Satisfaction results E-Journal Delivery 90% Satisfaction 89% rate same or better (32%) than other publishers Q3 Satisfaction results E-Helpdesk Compared to other Publishers: 91% rate E-Helpdesk the same or better (43%) Compared to Agents: 90% rate E-Helpdesk the same or better (40%) " The experience was entirely satisfactory in that we gained access very quickly. " Librarian, Government, United States (06/Q3)
It’s not just about “replacing service”
RenewalsRenewals Trade off – lack of consolidation but more buying power through license agreements. For contract renewals Elsevier provides Title Worksheet for swapping and change process. Elsevier allows you to adjust title lists after invoicing. Trade off: Agents as financial institutions. “Front the money” Benefits to direct financial relationship (Remember Faxon?) “Your entire invoicing process has greatly improved over the last two years." -- Librarian, Hospital/Medical School, USA Q2/ 06 I need to review the renewal title by title and it’s hard to get the invoicing right. I miss having all my titles consolidated on one list. I had more time with the agents.
EDI Invoicing EDI Service for Libraries’ internal budgeting & administration Billing via the agent provides no advantage for Elsevier in the case of E-licenses. We still need to go through the same renewal process directly with the customer Elsevier will work with customers to accommodate their needs Are Libraries willing to pay for Agent services? We’ve got more buying power in the collections budget but I don’t have the admin budget to afford the higher cost of managing it all!
Elsevier is developing new relationships with Agents and Third-Party Platforms – Role for agents in developing areas, e.g. small customers and particular geographic regions – We’re already working with third party platforms on e-books and exploring new opportunities with e- book monographs. – In discussions with traditional subscription agencies, exploring new roles as well as solutions for individual customers
Customer Focus: Getting Closer to Our Customers Measured improvement in all areas - 7 in 10 “better than other publishers” Plans to further improve 3 key areas - Continue improvements overall
Resources: People- Usage and Administration tools- tion.url SD Product info and lots more- Title changes- Pricelists, LibraryConnect, lots more tion.url tion.url Resources: People- Usage and Administration tools- tion.url SD Product info and lots more- Title changes- Pricelists, LibraryConnect, lots more tion.url tion.url Thank you!