Country Programme Monitor Orientation Meeting Thursday 19th April 2012 Oliver Jones Global Sanitation Fund, WSSCC
CPM Role 1.Services performed before EA contract or grant signature –Capacity Assessment –Risk Assessment –Support to Contract Negotiation 2.During programme implementation –Support to Programme Inception Phase –Monitoring of Implementation and Results –Financial Monitoring –Learning and Best Practices 3.Special Services (not to be included in financial offer) 4.Contract Closure (not to be included in financial offer)
CPM Role Capacity Assessment of EA 1.Assessment of institutional & legal status, and overall capacity 2.Assessment of financial and disbursement capacity 3.Assesment of procurement, contracting & grant management capacity 4.Assessment of implementation and contracting capacity 5.Assessment of monitoring and reporting capacity 6.Reference check of past experience if required
CPM Role Risk Assessment 1.Risk Identification 2.Risk Assessment 3.Risk Management Identified risks organised in the risk matrix based on their risk scores Risk identification and assessment will be the responsibility of the CPM Management of identified risks will be the responsibility of the different GSF actors based on the risk identified
CPM Role Monitoring and Evaluations Development of annual monitoring plan, including travel schedule; Ongoing oversight of procurement processes and selection of sub-grantees; Review of the EA’s management of contracts and management of sub-grantees and other service providers’ activities; Oversee and analyze programme implementation against work plan, and production of a justified opinion on the programme trends and implementation forecast;
CPM Role Monitoring and Evaluations Site visits to monitor effectiveness of implementation approaches and verify results. Monthly update report provided to GSF Programme Officer Detailed semi-annual reports based on reviews of the EA's progress report and analysis of implementation and results observed. Annual assessment and updating of Risk Matrix
CPM Role Financial Monitoring Review EA's financial report Verify programme files and books, including EA's internal and external yearly audit reports. Report on a six monthly basis to the GSF using the CPM financial report template Share findings and recommendation with the GSF Learning and Best Practices Engagement in annual learning events organized by the GSF programme Annual learning report
CPM Role Not to be included in financial offer: Special Services Perform services not listed in these TOR. The special services required may relate to data analysis, training, procurement processes analysis, evaluation, system analysis and strengthening. Special services may include post grant services to support the GSF and/or Sub-Grantees and PCM under particular circumstances. Contract Closure The CPM will be required to assist in managing the contract closure.
RFP Content 1.Request Letter 2.Annex I: Proposal Submission Form 3.Request for Proposals 4.Annex II: Terms of Reference (TOR) 5.Appendix 1: CPM Scope of Services 6.Appendix 2: EA Overall Assessment Report Template 7.Appendix 3: GSF Risk Management Guidelines 8.Appendix 4: GSF Results Framework 9.Annex III: Budget template for financial offer. 10.Annex IV: A draft of the form of contract, including the General Conditions for UNOPS Contracts CPM Submission
Submission Content: a)Proposal Submission Form; b)Technical Component including annexes; and c)Price Component. Maximum of 30 pages for the technical proposal. Technical proposal and annexes maximum of 40 pages The financial offer shall be marked "Price Proposal" and include your financial cover letter Proposals must be received by UNOPS at the above address on or before 17h00 Geneva time on Thursday 10th May 2012.
CPM Submission Technical Proposal Structure: Table of Content Description of the Firm and the Firm's Qualifications Understanding of the Requirements for Services Proposed Approach Proposed Team Structure Proposed Project Team Members
CPM Submission Year 1*Year 2Year 3 ACTIVITY Number of daysFee rate Total cost Number of daysFee rate Total cost Number of daysFee rate Total cost 1. Capacity Assessment of Executing Agency Labour cost** Coordinator / team supervisor n/a Sanitation / project management specialist n/a Finance / accounting / audits specialist n/a Total Labour cost0n/a $ - NumberRateTotalNumberRateTotalNumberRateTotal 1.1 Capacity Assessment travel cost For an Executing Agency located in or near the capital city*** transportation / travel n/a Per diem n/a incidental / terminal expenses n/a Total travel costn/a $ - Sub Total ( ) $ - Number of daysFee rate Total cost Number of daysFee rate Total cost Number of daysFee rate Total cost 2. Support to grant negotiation and programme inititation Labour cost** Coordinator / team supervisor n/a Sanitation / project management specialist n/a Finance / accounting / audits specialist n/a Sub Total 2Total Labour Cost0n/a $ - Price Component
Year 1*Year 2Year 3 ACTIVITY Number of days Fee rateTotal cost Number of days Fee rateTotal cost Number of days Fee rateTotal cost 3. Monitoring of implementation and results Labour cost** Coordinator / team supervisor Sanitation / project management specialist Finance / accounting / audits specialist Total Labour Cost0n/a $ -0n/a $ -0n/a $ - Travel budget ceiling***n/a $ 5,000n/a $ 7,000n/a $ 7,000 Sub Total 3 n/a $ 5,000 n/a $ 7,000 n/a $ 7, Financial Monitoring and Learning Labour cost** Coordinator / team supervisor Sanitation / project management specialist Finance / accounting / audits specialist Sub Total 4Total Labour Cost0n/a $ -0n/a $ -0n/a $ - TOTAL COST FOR ALL SERVICES $ 5,000 n/a $ 7,000 n/a $ 7,000 CPM Submission Price Component
CPM Submission Evaluation of Proposals: A two-stage procedure will be utilized, with evaluation of the technical component being completed prior to any price component being opened and compared. The total number of points which a firm/institution may obtain for both components is 135. The Price Component will only be evaluated if the Technical Component of that proposal achieves a minimum of 70 points. Proposals failing to obtain this minimum threshold will not be eligible for further consideration
CPM Submission Evaluation of Proposals: The technical component, which has a total possible value of 100 points, will be evaluated using the following criteria: 1.A legal existence with a minimum of 3 years [pass /fail] 2.Firm’s expertise, capability and experience (30%). This includes; Size reputation, relevant experience in performing similar tasks for other major clients, in Tanzania and elsewhere. Knowledge and experience of the sanitation and hygiene sector, particularly hygiene promotion, awareness raising, demand creation and advocacy. 3.Understanding and proposed approach to the roll and the detailed Work Plan (40%). 4.Proposed personnel (suitability, experience, qualifications and languages (30%).
CPM Submission Evaluation of Proposals: The maximum number of points for the Price Component is 35. This maximum number of points will be allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion according to the following formula: Points for the Price Component of a proposal being evaluated = [Maximum number of points for the Price Component] x [Lowest price] [Price of proposal being evaluated]
CPM Submission Any further request for clarification should be referred to Ana Maria Cano UNOPS Legal Consultant, before Tuesday 1 st May 2012 by COB at the following address Proposals must be received by UNOPS at the above address on or before 17h00 Geneva time on Thursday 10 th May 2012.
Schedule Going Forward 10th May: Submission Deadline End May:Evaluation complete Early June:Contract negiotiations and signature Mid June:Contract in place End June:Commence EA Capacity Assessment Mid July:Complete EA Capacity Assessmet Mid July:Commence Risk Assessment End July: Complete Risk Assesment Early August:Contract signed with Executing Agency August – Sept: Review of EA’s initial deliverables Early Sept: Inception work with CPM and EA Mid Sept: Official Launch of GSF Programme
QUESTIONS: The second point in the criteria for evaluation of bids deals with the “Firm’s expertise, capability and experience [30%]”. This includes: “Knowledge and experience of the sanitation and hygiene sectors, particularly hygiene promotion, awareness raising, demand creation and advocacy.” Can you clarify the type of experience and the scope of experience a firm may need in regards to this evaluation criteria? If the Executing Agency (EA) does not have a grant management mechanism, would the CPM’s role involve helping the EA establish one? On the call for proposals, the submission date is indicated as Thursday May 10th, 2012 whereas in the advertisement for the opportunity, the submission date is indicated as Monday April 30th, Please advise which of the two dates is correct, and the manner in which the proposal should be submitted. – 10th May CPM Submission