New Clerk Orientation Clerks of Court Operations Corporation Barrington Circle Tallahassee FL (850) May 16, 2013
Presentation Introduction and Overview I. Introduction and Overview II. Review of Revenue Sources for Clerk Budgets III. Review SFY Clerk Budget Request IV. Review the SFY Budget Approval Process V. Review and Discuss Out Year Budget Processes VI. Resume Morning Discussion, Address any Outstanding Questions, and/or Recap Materials Covered in the Morning VII. Review Fiscal Year Budget Management Activities VIII. Activity Presenter: John Dew
CCOC Introduction and Overview What is the CCOC and who are the members? Why is this organization important to you? What is the difference between the CCOC and the FCCC? Clarify roles of each. Presenter: John Dew
Review of Revenue Sources for Clerk Budgets Budget appropriation from state $1.00 first page/$0.50 each additional page on recorded documents $1.90 per page on recorded documents 10% of all court-related fines Appropriation from Board of County Commissioners Non-court related service charges Presenter: Stacy Butterfield
Review SFY Clerk Budget Request Discuss budget forms provided Review each exhibit in the SFY budget form and the applicable budget instructions Discuss the implications of revenue projections, allocations, outputs projections, and other implications Highlight exhibits that could be similar in the out years and those that will likely change Presenter: Greg Cowan
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit A – County Identification Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: This Exhibit Could Be Similar in the Out Years
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit B – Revenues Presenter: Doug Isabelle Note: This Exhibit Could Be Similar in the Out Years
Revenue Projections Clerk offices project revenue. Fines, Filing Fees, Bond Forfeitures, Service Charges, and Court Costs Fines, Filing Fees, Bond Forfeitures, Service Charges, and Court Costs However, during budget training CCOC provides examples to consider when forecasting revenues including: Local events Local events Spring break Spring break Law enforcement manpower Law enforcement manpower Statutes Statutes Collection activities Collection activities Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Why are Revenues Projections Important? Simple: If there is not enough revenues in the Trust Fund, budgets impacted. Clerks’ SFY 12/13 Revenue Projection $422.9 m. Historically, the actual revenues collected have been 3%-6% below projections Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Revenue Picture ($millions) CategorySFY SFY SFY Projection Percent Change Fines$90.2$84.5$ % Forfeiture$11.2$10.5$ % Filing Fees$148.7$145.4$ % Service Charges$79.4$80.4$ % Interest Earned$1.1$ % Court Costs$95.8$93.4$ % Total$426.4$414.9$ % Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Reasons for Historical Trends In $80 filing fee was redirected from Clerk Trust Fund to State GR. ( change based on HB 1512 ) In Clerks not authorized to established payment plans for indigent persons. Diversion programs (e.g. check, mediation, drug ct.) Public Records Mod. Fund Less civil and traffic cases Collection performance is down Presenter: Doug Isabelle
What Does CCOC Do To Help Clerks Increase Revenues? Education and Training Regional Training Regional Training On-Site Technical Assistance On-Site Technical Assistance Compile data (statewide and county specific) Identify collection best practices “What are the clerk processes for collecting from assessment date to 90 days?” “What are the clerk processes for collecting from assessment date to 90 days?” Share best practices among the offices Develop collection strategies Statutes require the CCOC to make recommendations on new or increase fees and service charges Presenter: Doug Isabelle
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit C – Gross FTE Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: This Exhibit Could Be Similar in the Out Years
More on Gross FTE Gross versus net Cost centers Pre-established and clerk specific Pre-established and clerk specific Uniform accounting system (UAS) Codes Codes Court versus non-court Court versus non-court Shared indirect overhead Breakouts Presenter: Greg Cowan
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit D – Personnel Costs Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: This Exhibit Could Be Similar in the Out Years
More on Personnel Costs Gross versus net Costs centers carry over Applicable personnel costs Distribution of cost across UAS codes Review civil traffic Review civil traffic Personnel cost breakouts Potential warning message Potential warning message Presenter: Greg Cowan
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit E&F – Operating and Capital Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: These Exhibits Could Be Similar in the Out Years
More on Operating and Capital Costs Gross versus net Costs centers carry over Applicable operating costs Distribution of cost across UAS codes Review civil traffic Review civil traffic Presenter: Greg Cowan
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit G – Output Measures Presenter: Doug Isabelle Note: This Exhibit May Change in the Out Years
Outputs (Workload) and Performance (Outcomes) Clerk offices project outputs (workload). New cases, reopen cases, prior year case activity, notices of appeals, financial receipts, juror summons, and juror payments. New cases, reopen cases, prior year case activity, notices of appeals, financial receipts, juror summons, and juror payments. CCOC provides definitions and business rules on how to project new, reopen, and prior year case activity. CCOC provides case data histories upon request to assist with forecasting. CCOC does not require clerk offices to report their performance outcomes in their budget requests. Presenter: Doug Isabelle
New Cases Filed Picture Court DivisionSFY SFY SFY Proj.% Change Circuit Criminal301,445291,026273, % County Criminal467,879440,991423, % Juv. Delinquency93,56885,89372, % Criminal Traffic496,623419,325390, % Circuit Civil298,525313,772309,6453.7% County Civil456,787479,492465,3931.9% Civil Traffic3,803,9273,834,4593,819,677.4% Probate130,372133,800136,2034.5% Family317,672277,479264, % Dependency15,84215,70814, % TOTAL6,382,6406,291,9456,171, % Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Reopen Cases Picture Court DivisionSFY SFY SFY Proj% Change Circuit Criminal175,521208,593218, % County Criminal64,05179,10475, % Juv. Delinquency68,53466,03263, % Criminal Traffic105,627124,701109,0793.2% Circuit Civil242,285206,676206, % County Civil143,423147,346148,9913.8% Civil Trafficn/a Probate71,81775,67469, % Family211,091205,177216,0112.3% Dependency34,72641,52052, % Total1,116,9751,154,8231,160,6783.9% Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Other Projected Workload 111,372,350 docket entries 11,523,400 financial receipts 2,010,295 jurors summoned 230,174 jurors paid 25,355 notices of appeals processed Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Why are Outputs (Workload) Important? Measures how much work you accomplish. Measures the services you provide the citizens of Florida, and the state court system. It provides information to the Florida Legislature the services they are purchasing for its citizens. Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Why is Performance (Outcomes) Important? Measures the quality of the services you provide the citizens of Florida. Measures the timeliness which you provide the services. How fast you file a case How fast you file a case How fast you docket a case How fast you docket a case How fast you pay jurors How fast you pay jurors Measures the rate which you collect monies for the Legislature. Presenter: Doug Isabelle
Performance (Outcomes)Picture Collections Circuit Criminal: std. 9% Circuit Criminal: std. 9% County Criminal: std. 40% County Criminal: std. 40% Juvenile Delinquency: std. 9% Juvenile Delinquency: std. 9% Criminal Traffic: std. 40% Criminal Traffic: std. 40% Civil Traffic: std. 90%: Civil Traffic: std. 90%: Timeliness Filing cases timely 80% in “x” business days depending on court division Filing cases timely 80% in “x” business days depending on court division Docketing cases timely 80% in “x” business days depending on court division Docketing cases timely 80% in “x” business days depending on court division Action plans required based on performance (outcome) Presenter: Doug Isabelle
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit H – Net Budget Amount Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: This Exhibit Will Change in the Out Years
More on Net Budget Amount Gross versus net Core services Aligning UAS codes to core services Aligning UAS codes to core services Non-CCOC FTE and expenditures Title IV-D and others Title IV-D and others Percent allocations and their implications Final budgeted FTE and request Presenter: Greg Cowan
The budget data for CFY through CFY is primarily based on the Certified Article V Budget compiled by the CCOC and included in the annual Legislative Report. The budget data for SFY through SFY is based on Legislative appropriations and includes all applicable “true-ups” as of November, The budget data does not include foreclosure dollars. Note: There is a three month overlap between CFY and SFY Historic Budgets Presenter: Greg Cowan
The data for CFY through CFY is based on the Certified Article V Budget compiled by the CCOC and included in the annual Legislative Report. The data for SFY is based on the nine month budgets submitted for October 2009 to June The data for SFY is based on the budgets submitted for July 2010 to June 2011 and has NOT been adjusted for any estimated fourth quarter adjustment as required by law. The data for SFY is based on the operational SFY budgets, is a net budgeted FTE, and has NOT been adjusted for either the first or fourth quarter adjustments as required by law. The data for SFY is based on the operational SFY budgets, is a net budgeted FTE, and has NOT been adjusted for either the first or fourth quarter adjustments as required by law. The data for SFY is based on the SFY budget requests and is a net budgeted FTE. Historic Full Time Equivalents (FTE) Note: There is a three month overlap between CFY and SFY Presenter: Greg Cowan
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit I – Additional Information Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: This Exhibit Will Change in the Out Years
More on Additional Information Comparison to previous budget authority Details are necessary if requesting an increase Check for warning message is values do not equal Check for warning message is values do not equal Explanations should be clear and descriptive Finance and Budget Committee may follow-up for additional explanations Finance and Budget Committee may follow-up for additional explanations Method for revenue projection and additional comments can also be provided Presenter: Greg Cowan
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit J – Budget Certification Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: This Exhibit will be Determined Based on Policy Decisions
SFY Budget Forms Exhibit K – Review Sheet Presenter: Greg Cowan Note: This Exhibit Will Change in the Out Years
Review the SFY Budget Approval Process Review staff preparation, review, and analysis under the leadership of Finance and Budget Review Finance and Budget process Review Executive Council process Review Legislative Budget Request Presenter: Greg Cowan
Staff Preparation, Review and Analysis under Finance and Budget Preparations and Training Development and Use Budget Forms and Instructions for Clerk Budget Requests Technical Reviews Benchmark Budget Calculations Peer Groups Peer Groups Divisional Budgets / Divisional “Service Units” Divisional Budgets / Divisional “Service Units” Unit Costs (by county, by division) Average Peer Group Unit Cost (by division) Divisional “Service Units” x Average Peer Group Unit Cost Divisional “Service Units” x Average Peer Group Unit Cost Other Information and Data Preparation Local Clerk Staff Assistance Presenter: Greg Cowan
Finance and Budget Process Organizational Meeting Was held October 25, 2012 for SFY Budget Was held October 25, 2012 for SFY Budget Two-Day Budget Deliberation Was held November 8 and 9, 2012 for SFY Budget Was held November 8 and 9, 2012 for SFY Budget Presenters: Bob Inzer and Greg Cowan
Executive Council Process Finance and Budget Recommendations Considered on November 13, 2012 Approved Recommendations with No Changes Presenters: John Dew and Greg Cowan
FRS funding requirements will be consistent with existing legislation Health care costs are projected to increase consistent with prior years No additional resources impacting clerk workload (e.g., more certified judgeships) will be appropriated to other core court partners Pay increases have been included consistent with judicial requests and our other court partners The Legislature will continue to fund foreclosure workload consistent with SFY and judicial request Appropriations for extraordinary costs will be addressed through a contingency fund Assumptions in LBR Presenters: John Dew and Greg Cowan
Clerks’ FY Budget Request and Approved Budget Presenters: John Dew and Greg Cowan
Review Out Years Budget Request Process Review Recent Legislative Actions Review July through September 2013 Review CFY Review CFY Review Other Issues Foreclosure Budget Foreclosure Budget Workload Measures Workload Measures Workload Performance Standards Workload Performance Standards CCOC Duties and Upcoming CCOC Meetings CCOC Duties and Upcoming CCOC Meetings Discuss Implications and Issues “This is your process” “This is your process” Presenters: John Dew, Doug Isabelle, and Greg Cowan
CFY Budget Development Timeline Presenter: Greg Cowan
Review Fiscal Year Budget Management Activities Expenditure and Collections Report Outputs Report Performance Reports Timeliness Timeliness Collections Collections Jurors Jurors Action Plans Action Plans Report Report Fiscal Management Report Presenters: John Dew, Doug Isabelle, and Greg Cowan
Expenditure and Collections Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
Outputs Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
Performance - Timeliness Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
Performance - Collections Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
Performance - Jurors Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
Performance - Action Plan Presenter: Greg Cowan
Ch Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
Fiscal Management Report Presenter: Greg Cowan
New Clerk Orientation Clerks of Court Operations Corporation Barrington Circle Tallahassee FL (850) May 16, 2013