3 INTERVIEW MEANING: A mutual view or sight : Formal meeting INTERVIEWEE:One who is interviewed interviewer:One who interviews
4 INTERVIEW AIMS OF THE INTERVIEW b To Elicit Information b To assess the suitability of a person to the job/position b To assess the job / position / Company by the interviewee
5 INTERVIEW TYPES OF INTERVIEWS b Patterned interview b Stress Interview (Mutual discussions)
6 INTERVIEW PATTERNED INTERVIEW (For freshers): b Formal application b Set of questions are asked b To clear doubts and clarifications
7 INTERVIEW STRESS INTERVIEW (For Experienced): b Direct Stress questions are asked b To find out the suitability of the candidate to the existing position b To clear doubts and clarifications
8 INTERVIEW INTERVIEW IS NOT A ONE WAY PROCESS: b The interviewer is assessing the Interviewee for the suitability of the job or position b The interviewee is assessing whether the job is suitable to him with all related perks Therefore, it is a two way process of communication.
9 INTERVIEW TYPES OF INTERVIEW: b Written tests/Trade tests b Group discussions b Verbal Interview
10INTERVIEW WRITTEN TESTS/TRADE TESTS b Test on subject b Test on general knowledge b Test on English usage b Numerical ability b Aptitude test (Like clerical, Stenography etc.) b Mechanical comprehension test (Aptitude)
11 INTERVIEW b Progressive matrix (Reason). b Personality factor b Trade test / Trial test
12 INTERVIEW GROUP DISCUSSION: b Initiative b Leadership b Dominant or submissive b Argumentative b Reasoning with others b Cohersiveness b Temperament b Expression
13 INTERVIEW VERBAL INTERVIEW: b Family background b Communication Skill b General aptitude b Knowledge on subject b Personality b Potential to handle the job/to grow b Remuneration package
14 INTERVIEW TIPS FOR INTERVIEWEE: b Collect the information well in advance about the Industry/Products/Culture etc. before appearing for interview b Be punctual for the interview b Present yourself neatly/Good mannered
15 INTERVIEW Your hair should be clean and combed. Nails should be clean and trimmed. Be conservative and err on the side of caution. If the company does not have a dress code, remember that its better to overdress than under dress.
16 INTERVIEW Arrive at least 10 minutes before your interview. The extra minutes will also give time to fill out any forms or applications that might be required. Turn off your cell phone or pager.
17 INTERVIEW b Sit relaxed and in up right position without crossing your legs b Beware of your forced habits - Breaking knuckles/Shaking your legs/Squeezing your palms/Wiping your face etc.,
18 INTERVIEW b When cigarette is offered - Say politely “No thanks” even if you are a smoker b Be bold and confident b Anticipate the type of questions
19 INTERVIEW b Be polite and ask for queries in case of doubt while answering the questions b High light your strengths whenever a chance is given to you or create a chance to high light your strengths
20 INTERVIEW b Try to draw attention of the interviewer on specific subject you know well and try to take an opportunity to express them well b Mind your body language b Do not get frustrated or loose temper for some irritant questions posed
21 INTERVIEW b Do not have the negative feeling if you do not answer some questions b Do not try to bluff or cover your wrong answers b If you do not know the answer say I am sorry/ I am afraid I cannot answer the question etc.,
22 INTERVIEW b If you cannot understand the question ask politely to repeat the question b Do not try to argue with the interviewer b As far as your credentials are concerned take a chance to show/exhibit them - by doing so you will be drawing their attention towards the subject you know well
23 INTERVIEW b Do not try to blow your own Trumpet - You might get caught or it gives an impression that you are a self centered person b Face the interviewer while answering. Answer to the person who posed you the questions
24 INTERVIEW Have a good eye contact with the panel members of the interview Wait for a question to be completed. Do not be hasty in answering even when you know the answer well
25 INTERVIEW b Some times using pen and scribbling pad will help you in expressing things better and it also helps you in relaxing b Do not give excuses of health for not answering
26 INTERVIEW b Do not take shelter under or blame the college or organization or lecturers for not answering some questions b Be clear in what you say - Do not mumble
27 INTERVIEW b Do not try to take sympathy by expressing your family problems / financial problems to the interviewer b At the end of interview, if you have still doubts on anything, ask for clarification from the interviewer
28 INTERVIEW b Do not accept or ask for whatever job the Company will offer (Say like, not related to your aptitude) b Do not plead or beg for the job the job
29 INTERVIEW b Do not walk out of the interview in a huff. Wait until the interview is completed b After completing the interview, do not forget to wish or say thanks before you go out