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Lease/Loan vs Buy? * This represents a one-time cost, for 2011 only OverDrive No discounts Subject to changes in vendor hosting fees Pay same hosting fees regardless of circ DCL Platform Discounted pricing DCL owns eBook file One time investment in server, integration & powerwall costs Collection savings outweigh higher DCL transaction fees as circ increases DCL can archive low circ titles on lower cost server storage DCL PlatformOverDrive Holdings2,30013,777 eAudio6,188 eBook7,547 Video47 PlatformSingle Integrate PortalMultiple Portals Lease/BuyBuyLease eBook pricingDiscounts of 25% - 45%No discount Investment*$311,000 Annual Hosting Fees$1,500$10,800 Transaction Fees$0.08/circ Assumptions: Average cost / bestseller title$11.70$18 Average publisher discount35%0% 116,000 Circ / 7,700 Copies Cost of eBook collection$90,090$138,600 Platform & transaction fees$10,780$10,800 Cost per circ$0.09 Total annual cost$100,870$149, ,000 Circ / 43,000 Titles Cost of eBook collection$503,100$774,000 Platform & transaction fees$53,100$10,800 Cost per circ$0.11$0.02 Total annual cost$556,200$784,800 1M Circ / 66,000 Titles Cost of eBook collection$772,200$1,188,000 Platform & transaction fees$81,500$10,800 Cost per circ$0.08$0.01 Total annual cost$853,700$1,198,800