Chapter 22 An Age of Nationalism and Realism, 1850 - 1871.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 22 An Age of Nationalism and Realism,

The France of Napoleon III: Louis Napoleon & the 2 nd Napoleonic Empire Not allowed to stand for re-election Seizes government by force Restores universal male suffrage and asks that the empire be restored Assumed the title of Napoleon III, December 2, 1852 Authoritarian government Economic prosperity Reconstruction of Paris Broad streets Opposition brought about some liberalization

Foreign policy: Crimean War The Ottoman Empire Disintegration of the Ottoman Empire Encroachment of the Russian Empire Loss of territory

Crimean War Russian demand to protect Christian shrines (Privilege already given to the French) Ottomans refuse; Russia invades Moldavia and Wallachia Turks declare war, October 4, 1853 Britain and France declare war on Russia, March 28, 1854 Destroys the Concert of Europe War ends in March, 1856 Political effects of the war

The Crimean War (1853–1856) was fought between Imperial Russia on one side and an alliance of France, the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire on the other. The chain of events leading to Britain and France declaring war on Russia on 28 March 1854 can be traced to a fierce disagreement of whom was going to have "sovereign authority" in the Holy Land. In April 1854 allied troops landed in the Crimea and besieged the city of Sebastopol, home of the Tsar's fleet. During the siege, in November 1854, a major part of the French-English fleet was destroyed in the Black Sea by an unexpected storm.

National Unification: Italy Kingdom of Savoy Victor Emmanuel II, Count Camillo di Cavour ( ) Napoleon III alliance with Piedmont, 1858 War with Austria, 1859 Northern states join Piedmont Guiseppi Garibaldi ( ) The Red Shirts Invasion of Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, 1860 Kingdom of Italy, March 17, 1861 Annexation of Venetia, 1866 Annexation of Rome, 1870

Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian (July 4, 1807 – June 2, 1882) was an Italian military and political figure. In his twenties, he joined the Carbonari Italian patriot revolutionaries, and fled Italy after a failed insurrection. Garibaldi took part in the War of the Farrapos and the Uruguayan Civil War leading the Italian Legion, and afterward returned to Italy as a commander in the conflicts of the Risorgimento. He has been dubbed the "Hero of the Two Worlds" in tribute to his military expeditions in both South America and Europe. [1] He is considered an Italian national hero.ItalianCarbonariWar of the FarraposUruguayan Civil WarRisorgimento [1] national hero

The Unification of Germany William I, Wanted military reforms Otto von Bismarck ( ) Reorganization of the army Realpolitik Austro-Prussian War (1866) Austrian defeat at Königgratz, July 3, 1866 North German Confederation Military agreements with Prussia

Franco-Prussian War ( ) Dispute with France over the throne of Spain French declaration of war, July 15, 1870 Southern German states join Northern German Confederation William I proclaimed kaiser, January 8, 1871, of the Second German Empire

The Austrian Empire: Toward a Dual Monarchy Ausgleich, Compromise, 1867 Creates a dual monarchy German and Magyars dominate minorities Francis Joseph Emperor of Austria/King of Hungary Some things in held in common Other minorities

Imperial Russia Alexander II, Emancipation of serfs, March 3, 1861 Problems with emancipation Zemstvos (local assemblies) Growing dissatisfaction Alexander III ( )

Great Britain: The Victorian Age Did not experience revolts in 1848 Reforms Economic Growth Queen Victoria (1837 – 1901) reflected the age Benjamin Disraeli ( ) Extension of voting rights Reform Act, 1867

The United States: Slavery and War The United States: Civil War and Reunion Differences between North and South The cotton economy Election of Abraham Lincoln, secession of South Carolina, 1860 Civil War, North has the advantage Grant and Lee and the war’s end

Marx and Marxism Karl Marx ( ) and Friedrich Engels ( ), The Communist Manifesto, 1848 History is the history of class struggle Stages of history In the end would be a classless society After 1848 revolutions, Marx went to London Marx, Das Kapital International Working Men’s Association, 1864 Internal problems

A New Age of Science Development of the steam engine led to science of relationship between heat and mechanical energy Growth of scientific interest Louis Pasteur – germ theory of disease Dmitri Mendeleyev – atomic weights Michael Faraday – generator Growth in belief in science has affect on religious belief

Charles Darwin and the Theory of Organic Evolution Charles Darwin ( ) On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, 1859 All plants and animals have evolved over a long period of time Those who survived had adapted to the environment The Descent of Man, 1871 Ideas highly controversial; gradually accepted

A Revolution in Health Care Louis Pasteur Pasteurization Joseph Lister Hospital gangrene New Public Health Measures American Medical Association Women and Medical Schools Elizabeth Blackwell Female Medical College of Pennsylvania

Realism in Literature and Art The Realistic Novel Rejected Romanticism Gustave Flaubert ( ), Madame Bovary, 1857 William Thackeray ( ), Vanity Fair, 1848 Charles Dickens ( ) Realism in Art Gustave Courbet ( ) Portrayal of everyday life Jean-Francois Millet ( ) Scenes from rural life Twilight of Romanticism Franz Liszt Richard Wagner The Ring of the Nibelung

Discussion Questions Trace the events that led to the Crimean War. How does the Crimean War change the relationships of the European nations? How did nationalism affect Germany, Italy and Austria? How did the issue of western expansion affect the situation of slavery in the United States? What are some of the contributions of Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister on medicine today. How important is the issue of German control of Alsace and Lorraine?