The eBanking Suite for Dynamics SL Tim Kahne CTO, SK Global Software
SK Global Software Developing high-quality software that extends the functionality of the Microsoft Dynamics product line since 1994 Over 1,350 eBanking customers today! (SL & AX) Seamlessly integrated solutions Microsoft Partner Advisory Board (last 10 years)
eBanking Modules Positive Pay (aka Safe Pay) AP Electronic Funds Transfer Wire Transfer Plus AR Electronic Funds Transfer Lockbox Processing Q&A
Positive Pay Reduce check fraud by sending a file to your bank that is used to verify checks presented for payment. 2013 AFP Payments Fraud and Control Survey
Positive Pay - Features Check fraud avoidance Bank formats included (no charge) No programming required, 100s available Protect AP and payroll checks Multi-account/multi-company Browser or FTP uploads Archiving Security Menu
Positive Pay Demo Menu
APEFT Provides ease of setup and operation to pay vendors using the US standard NACHA format. Includes bank communications and robust email notification functionality.
APEFT Recent ROI Study for Accounts Payable EFT: “We expect that 80% of our vendors will accept electronic transfers, improving their cash flow. After itemizing the cost of continuing to print checks, which included $21,000 in postage alone, we found an annual savings of $64,830! That's a three year savings of almost $200,000!” Hersha Hospitality
APEFT - Features ACH – PPD, CCD, CCD+, IAT Federal/State Tax, Child support payments eMail remittance advices (attachments) Customized Manual check workflow Account change security Amount security Browser or FTP uploads Menu
APEFT Demo Menu
Wire Transfer Plus Provides ease of setup and operation utilizing pre-defined file formats to pay vendors electronically. Formats can support any bank transaction type (ACH, wire, outsourced checks, p-cards, etc.). Includes bank communications and robust email notification functionality.
Wire Transfer Plus - Features Process flow – identical to APEFT Wires – processed by Federal Reserve eMail remittance advices (attachments) Customized Plug-in formats Wires (domestic/foreign), purchase cards, virtual pay, out-sourced checks Account change security Amount approval security Browser or FTP uploads Menu
Wire Transfer Plus Demo Menu
AREFT Provides ease of setup and operation to collect from customers using the US standard NACHA format. Includes bank communications and robust email notification functionality.
AREFT - Features Mirror of APEFT ACH – PPD, CCD Invoice terms code – EFT collection Invoices auto-selected Payment application batch eMail remittance advices (attachments) Customized Browser or FTP uploads Menu
AREFT Demo Menu
Lockbox Processing Import lockbox (checks) and/or electronic settlement transactions and automatically match and apply against SL customers, invoices and credit memos.
Lockbox Processing- Features High volume cash receipts Auto invoice application Workbench to refine settlements Automatic split payments Discounts, credit memo support Non-lockbox files Layout types - fixed field, comma delimited, BAI2 - custom Centralized cash Multi-currency/company Menu
Lockbox Processing- Demo Menu
Pricing/Next Steps… Purchased through your SL reseller Modules purchased ala carte Multi-module discounts 2–15%, 3-18%, 4+-20% SL 2015, 2011, 7, 6.5 Demo videos, Datasheets Menu
Contact your SL Reseller for pricing and ordering Next Steps… Contact your SL Reseller for pricing and ordering Menu