SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA Viruses are when your computers are controlled without the owners messing with it, you can receive a virus through s the sender sends the virus attached to the message. A virus can break your computer such as sending spams to your computer, all you need to do to get rid of viruses is buy Norton you can buy Norton either online or buy the CD which then downloads onto your computer. Spyware is when someone gathers a lot of information about a person and sends their information to another person. To get rid of a spyware you will use a remover tool or anti spyware scanner, but to completely be able to move the spyware then you might have to use spyware scanner a few times. It can be hard to get rid of a spyware Spam are loads of messages which get sent of the internet which go to loads of people at a time, Often sent into a junk mail in a message inbox classed as a unwanted . It can be really annoying but it isn’t at all a harmless virus but it is described as a fraud. To get rid of spams you can delete the message permanently so it doesn’t then bother you anymore. Do not reply to them and don’t buy nothing which they might be advertising.
SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA Phishing is when someone collets information on someone's online bank, credit card, or other information which is needed to login. Which they may then get into and use your identity or even buy things from your accounts out of your bank. You can tell when a has been phished due to the grammar and spelling on the . A way to prevent the problem is buy reporting the person or if it is in your s then click the phish scam button. Change all of your passwords on your accounts, report it to your bank, report to the bank if something has been brought which you have not purchased. You should have a strong password on your account so people will not be able to hack into it, also it would be harder for people to guess. Do not include your name in your passwords also use numbers in your passwords. This stops someone who is trying to get into your account by not getting in because you have used a strong password. You should not have your name of address in your password or have your password as ‘password’ because that is what they are going to be trying first. Always remember to log out of your computer once you have finished so people do not go through your things if you have left it logged in. If you do not do this then as soon as someone else goes onto the computer you was using they could easily delete files or click buy things from your accounts.
SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA Passwords are use useful on your documents because if someone tried to get on your documents then they wouldn’t have much success depending if you have a strong password they aren’t able to get on your documents. They also should be strong so then people will not be able to guess it as easily. Having a password stops people from going on your accounts and then you are keeping yourself private. Keep your back ups safe such as putting a lock on them so no one else is able to download your files. Make sure no one is able to access. You could put your work onto a memory stick just incase your work gets deleted on accident or by someone else on purpose. Always have a firewall on your documents and computer so then no one can access or view your work. This stops people from being able to wreck your work because firewall will stop them from doing certain things such as editing or deleting.
SELECT AND USE APPROPRIATE METHODS TO MINIMISE SECURITY RISK TO IT SYSTEMS AND DATA You should always back up data such as you work and other important files just incase you accidentally delete your work, backing up your data is a useful thing to do because if you delete something then all you have to do is upload everything from your back up backed onto your computer. Also you then have evidence if someone ever asks you for your work or if it needs putting onto a new computer. Another way is by getting a memory stick or something which plugs into the computer what would save all of your work and information, you could then carry the memory stick everywhere you go just incase you need your work somewhere else. Also if you purchase a new computer it would be useful to back up your information on a stick so then you can upload it onto your new computer.