Golden Math Nuggets: Digging into Assessment Data to Improve Instruction in Math James McBride, Renaissance Learning R. James Milgram, Stanford University Michael Gallagher, North Carolina DPI Elliot Asp, Cherry Creek Public Schools, CO 1
The Common Core Math Standards – How American Students Measure Up: Three Years of Data Presented at CCSSO National Conference on Student Assessment James R. McBride Renaissance Learning June
Outline Background and Overview Methods Aggregate Results Interpretation…Professor Milgram 3
Background Since Spring 2011, Renaissance Learning has conducted a program of research to provide advance information about the status of US students relative to the Common Core Math Standards. This paper, and that of Professor Milgram, present an update on the most recent year of the project, and a brief summary of findings and interpretations. 4
Background and Overview Beginning in 2008, Renaissance Learning has developed and field tested thousands of new STAR Math items measuring more than 550 standards-based skills, and calibrated them using the Rasch model. Thousands of those items have been aligned to the new Common Core Math Standards. Selected items that align to the Common core have been chosen for use in a research program designed to provide an early appraisal of U.S. students’ proficiency on some of the Common Core Math Standards. What follows is a summary of the design of that research, as well as findings from three annual evaluations of mastery of those items. 5
Methods The study consists of more than 100 Common Core-aligned items embedded as “experimental items” in STAR Math, and randomly chosen for administration to the universe of students taking STAR Math on the Renaissance Place RealTime™ platform. Response data from that platform is available to Renaissance Learning for research use. 6
7 Test Items 2011, Spring and Fall: objectives CCSS-aligned STAR Math items -- 2 to 15 items/grade, 2 or more per objective 2012, Spring and Fall: -- 7 standards,14 items added: 119 items in all 2013, Spring: -- item set revamped objectives,110 items in all new or revised; 38 carried over
Item Counts by Domain and Grade Level DomainItem Grade Level Total Algebra Data Analysis & Statistics Geometry & Measmt Numbers & Operations Total
Item Counts by Domain and Grade Level DomainItem Grade Level Total Algebra Data Analysis & Statistics Geometry & Measmt Numbers & Operations Total
Students All students taking STAR Math on the RP RealTime™ platform took one or more unscored CCSS-aligned test items on grade level -- random assignment of items to students -- items embedded in random positions Most students took 1 or 2 Common Core-aligned items. Each item was administered to students in its target grade, as well as the next higher grade. 10
Spring Data Collection 2011: Data from May and June More than 200,000 students 2012: Data from mid-April – mid-May More than 450,000 students 2013: Data from early May -- More than 200,000 students 11
12 Outcome Variables Percent Correct was calculated for each Common Core-aligned item. On-grade percent correct was the variable of primary interest. Other item statistics, including distractor choice percentages, item-score correlations and Rasch difficulty parameters, were calculated but are not reported here. Professor Milgram’s presentation will address some of those data.
Selected 2013 Results 13
Interpretation -- Overall percent correct increased somewhat each year from 2011 to overall and for the 30 common items. -- Substantial differences grade-to grade, possibly due to: - objectives selected at each grade - differences in CCSS difficulty by grade 21
22 -- Steady decline from grade 4 to 8 gives pause. What does it signify? - Difficulties ahead? - Differences between curricula and CCSS? - Is it attributable to curriculum? Instruction? Teacher preparation? More than one of these?
24 - Percent correct did increase from Fall 2011 to Spring Largest changes: Grades 1 to 3 -- Smaller changes: Grades Least change: Grades What does this suggest? -- Closer alignment of current curricula to CCSS in lower grades? -- More effective instruction there? -- Do younger kids just grow faster?
Next Steps -- Technical report on study -- Replicate for with expanded scope - Assess Fall-Spring growth - 25
Questions For further information: 26