Attributed Member Count By County and Age Group- May 2013 Age GroupCounty MembersAge GroupMember CountPct of Attrib ADULTFAIRFIELD 34,036 ADULT 168,58040% ADULTHARTFORD 45,588 CHILD 248,88460% ADULTLITCHFIELD 7,309 Grand Total 417,464 ADULTMIDDLESEX 6,686 ADULTNEW HAVEN 48,095 County Member CountPct of Attrib ADULTNEW LONDON 14,253 FAIRFIELD 94,95423% ADULTTOLLAND 4,235 LITCHFIELD 110,95627% ADULTWINDHAM 8,378 MIDDLESEX 17,8224% CHILDFAIRFIELD 60,918 NEW HAVEN 14,1803% CHILDHARTFORD 65,368 NEW LONDON 118,12228% CHILDLITCHFIELD 10,513 OUT OF STATE 32,5188% CHILDMIDDLESEX 7,494 TOLLAND 10,1282% CHILDNEW HAVEN 70,027 WINDHAM 18,7844% CHILDNEW LONDON 18,265 Grand Total 417,464 CHILDTOLLAND 5,893 CHILDWINDHAM 10,406 ADULT Percent Attributed 50% CHILD Percent Attributed 80% Total Percent Attributed 64%
Unattributed Member Count By County and Age Group- May 2013 Age GroupCountyMembers ADULTFAIRFIELD 33,241 Age GroupMember CountPct ADULTHARTFORD 52,456 ADULT 166,61472% ADULTLITCHFIELD 7,000 CHILD 64,12028% ADULTMIDDLESEX 4,676 Grand Total 230,734 ADULTNEW HAVEN 48,079 ADULTNEW LONDON 11,881 CountyMember CountPct ADULTTOLLAND 3,763 FAIRFIELD 46,28520% ADULTWINDHAM 5,518 HARTFORD 73,37832% CHILDFAIRFIELD 13,044 LITCHFIELD 8,9694% CHILDHARTFORD 20,922 MIDDLESEX 6,2053% CHILDLITCHFIELD 1,969 NEW HAVEN 66,71629% CHILDMIDDLESEX 1,529 NEW LONDON 16,5377% CHILDNEW HAVEN 18,637 TOLLAND 5,1372% CHILDNEW LONDON 4,656 WINDHAM 7,5073% CHILDTOLLAND 1,374 Grand Total 230,734 CHILDWINDHAM 1,989
Unattributed Members with Claim History- May 2013 AgeGroupCountyMembers ADULTFAIRFIELD 29,507 Age GroupMember CountPct ADULTHARTFORD 47,651 ADULT 149,48273% ADULTLITCHFIELD 6,298 CHILD 54,06527% ADULTMIDDLESEX 4,162 Grand Total 203,547 ADULTNEW HAVEN 43,421 ADULTNEW LONDON 10,373 County Member CountPct ADULTTOLLAND 3,362 FAIRFIELD 40,08520% ADULTWINDHAM 4,708 HARTFORD 66,07632% CHILDFAIRFIELD 10,578 LITCHFIELD 7,8604% CHILDHARTFORD 18,425 MIDDLESEX 5,4013% CHILDLITCHFIELD 1,562 NEW HAVEN 59,27629% CHILDMIDDLESEX 1,239 NEW LONDON 14,1337% CHILDNEW HAVEN 15,855 TOLLAND 4,5002% CHILDNEW LONDON 3,760 WINDHAM 6,2163% CHILDTOLLAND 1,138 Grand Total 203,547 CHILDWINDHAM 1,508
Unattributed Members (Members without any claim history of any kind) Length of Enrollment- May 2013 AgeGroupTotal0-3 Mths4-6 Mths7-12 Mths1-2 Years2-5 YearsOver 5 Years ADULT 17,132 5,567 2,086 2,300 1,444 3,886 1,849 CHILD 10,055 4,369 1,354 1, ,347 1,098 Total 27,187 9,936 3,440 3,511 2,120 5,233 2,947 Age GroupTotalPercent ADULT 17,13263% CHILD 10,05537% Total 27,187100%
February 2013/May 2013 Comparison February 2013May 2013 Total Membership642,599648,198 Percent Attributed66%64% Unattributed Adult72% Unattributed Children28% Unattributed Adult with no claim history-all 16,85517,132 Unattributed Adult with eligibility of 7 months or more 9,7579,479 Unattributed Children with no claim history-all 10,10310,055 Unattributed Children with eligibility of 7 months or more 4,7054,332