Number line- up Name: Part A Part B Number line- up Name: Part A Part B
Number look- alikes! Name: FractionDecimalPercent.1010% 1/ /475% 2/5 Number look- alikes! Name: FractionDecimalPercent.1010% 1/ /475% 2/5
Number line- up Name: Part A Part B Number line- up Name: Part A Part B
Prime Factorization Name: 36 THINK! Can you think of another way to “break down” 36 into its factors? Prime Factorization Name: 36 THINK! Can you think of another way to “break down” 36 into its factors?
Seeing Multiples! Name: List the multiples of 3 here List the multiples of 2 here List the multiples of 2 AND 3 here Seeing Multiples Name: List the multiples of 3 here List the multiples of 2 here List the multiples of 2 AND 3 here
Fraction Jargon Name: Equivalent Fraction Improper fraction Lowest terms Mixed number Proper fraction Reciprocal = = Fraction Jargon Name: Equivalent Fraction Improper fraction Lowest terms Mixed number Proper fraction Reciprocal = =
Sort them PROPER-ly! Name: Sort them PROPER-ly! Name: properproper IMproperIMproper properproper IMproperIMproper
STATION 1: NUMBER LINE-up Part A: Copy the fractions into its proper spot on the number line Part B: Put the fractions into the circles from smallest to biggest
FractionDecimalPercent.1010% 1/ /475% 2/5 STATION 2: Number Look-Alikes Believe it or not, the numbers across a row are all equal! A fraction can be written as a decimal, and a percent. Can you turn fractions into decimals? Decimals to percents? Write the fraction, decimal or percent in the empty boxes. Did you know 1/5 = 0.20?
STATION 3: Prime Factorization Think of factors that will give you the number above. For example, 7 x 8 = 56. Keep “breaking it up” into more factors until the number has no other factors other than itself and one. Look at the example on the right. Numbers in the shaded boxes are called “prime numbers” because it has no other factors other than itself and one.
STATION 4: Seeing Multiples! List the multiples of 5 here List the multiples of 3 here List the multiples of 3 AND 5 here List as many multiples of 2 and 3 as you can in 2 minutes. Don’t forget that if 2 and 3 have multiples that are the SAME, put them in the middle area of the venn diagram. An example is shown below, for multiples of 3 and 5.
STATION 5: Fraction Jargon Numerator Denominator x y Match the words on the left, to the correct example on the right, by drawing a line to connect them.
STATION 6: Sort them PROPER-ly! properproper IMproperIMproper Show that you understand the difference between proper and improper fractions by sorting the following fractions into the two boxes on your paper
STATION 1: NUMBER LINE-up answers Part A: Copy the fractions into its proper spot on the number line Part B: Put the fractions into the circles from smallest to biggest Note: these 2 are equal, so either one can come first.
FractionDecimalPercent 1/ % 1/ % 3/ % 2/50.4 or % STATION 2: Number Look-Alikes answers Believe it or not, the numbers across a row are all equal! A fraction can be written as a decimal, and a percent. Can you turn fractions into decimals? Decimals to percents? Write the fraction, decimal or percent in the empty boxes. Did you know 1/5 = 0.20?
STATION 3: Prime Factorization answers and more ways! (try it on the board! e.g. 3 x 12)
STATION 4: Seeing Multiples! answers multiples of 3 multiples of 2 multiples of 2 AND List as many multiples of 2 and 3 as you can in 2 minutes. Don’t forget that if 2 and 3 have multiples that are the SAME, put them in the middle area of the venn diagram
STATION 5: Fraction Jargon answers Match the words on the left, to the correct example on the right, by drawing a line to connect them. Equivalent Fraction Improper fraction Lowest terms Mixed number Proper fraction Reciprocal =
STATION 6: Sort them PROPER-ly! answers Show that you understand the difference between proper and improper fractions by sorting the following fractions into the two boxes on your paper p r o p er I M p r o p er