MEPRS MANUAL (6010.13M) UPDATE 2005 MEPRS Conference September 1, 2005 Speaker: Cynthia Barrett
Purpose of MEPRS Manual Reissued under DoD Directive 6000.12 “Health Services Operations and Readiness” Used to update procedures for the uniform reporting of expense and manpower data for fixed Military Medical and Dental Treatment Facilities
Objectives To explain the 6010.13 manual update process To provide a status update of revisions for the 6010.13M Discuss the timeline for updating manual Coordinate feedback from the MMIG/Service MEPRS Program Managers, Functional/Clinical Consultants/End-Users at the MTF Discuss our next steps
MEPRS Manual Update Process Interactive Website Access TMA/Tri-Service Meetings End-User Input/Feedback Review and Revision Process Formal SF 106 Review Process with Military Departments
Manual Review and Revision REVISE REVIEW MEETING APPROVAL DOCUMENT TMA/Tri-Service review of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Appendix Service MEPRS Program Managers have provided comments to TMA for revisions and updates. TMA have scheduled working meetings with Service MEPRS Program Managers TMA/Tri-Service discussions on proposed changes are reviewed for approval. TMA will document changes and input for incorporation into the revised manual prior to coordination.
Manual Update Timeline TMA monitors the interactive website on a weekly basis for any Service updates or revisions The manual “must do” changes will be formalized for TMA coordination by End of CY05 Other manual enhancements will be worked on beginning CY06
Manual Update Website Interactive Tool is used to facilitate Tri-Service collaboration and discussions Provided Service POCs with User IDs and Passwords for user-friendly access to update website with new or revised information TMA will review, compile and update the Master file with any revisions and changes
TMA/Tri-Service Meetings Meetings were facilitated and scheduled to solicit/discuss updates to the 6010.13M Service specific guidance are reviewed and discussed during the meetings A map/gap analysis was conducted of issues to reach standardization and Tri-Service consensus
Status Update (Chapter 1) Overview and Concept (C1.2.)- Historical Overview/Conceptual Information were separated into two sections Formatting and grammatical errors to the manual were discussed for possible structure revisions and changes Scope of MEPRS (FOREWORD section) was discussed by TMA/Service POCs Discussed Manpower and Personnel processes as the bases for the Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCA)
Status Update- (Chapter 2) Chapter 2 (Functional Cost Codes) beginning with DAA (Pharmacy) ancillaries are currently being reviewed by TMA/Service MEPRS SMEs and Service Consultants for discussions and revisions EAS IV Repository data over starting from fiscal year 2002, 2003 and 2004 will be reviewed by FTEs, expenses, workload, and allocation
Status Update- (Chapter 3) (C3.2.5 - Reports) section was updated (C3.2.5.2- DoD Monthly Financial File) was updated Depreciation (Threshold amount/Time Span/Business Rules/Centralized funding and capital) is currently being reviewed Consistency of terminology throughout the manual has been updated
Status Update- (Chapter 4/5) Chapter 4 (Reporting Requirements)- all reporting requirements and titles of reports were updated Chapter 5 (MEPRS Issue Process)- was updated with a revised SCR and Issue Change Request section (complete rewrite)
Other Service Suggested Changes Include Service specific financial, workload, and personnel reconciliation procedures Add Standard Data Set business rules to Appendix Consolidate Service guidelines for Appendix 7 (AP7.)- Guidelines for Available and Non-Available Time Include Ambulatory Procedure Visits (APVs) section Reorganization of Chapters within the manual Use of hyperlinks to the EAS IV User Guide
Your Feedback Is Important Suggestions from the Field Clarify Business Rules for Codes FALA (Continuing Health Education) and GBAA (Readiness Training) Rules Regarding TDY- (i.e. What MEPRS code should a person use when the TDY isn’t job related or medically related?) MEPRS code FCGA (Support to Non-MEPRS Reporting Activities) Capturing Procedures in the B* and D* Work centers Verbiage changes to: C2.5.4.5 -3rd level FCC should be EDE C2.5.4.6 - 3rd level FCC should be EDF Square Footage and DMLSS
Next Steps…How can you assist? Provide any updates to your Service MEPRS Program Managers for discussion with TMA Update your concerns on the MEPRS.Info Human System Interface (HSI)