Learning Teaching and Assessment at University of Worcester Dr John Peters NTF Academic Development and Practice
The University and Strategic Plan ‘Excellent inclusive higher education’ ‘Outstanding student experience’ Approaching 10, 000 students 67 percent mature students 70 per cent female 9 per cent with declared disability Largest of 6 Institutes are Education and Health
New Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategy 1.Engaged, resilient and lifelong learners 2.Critically aware, problem solving, enquirer and researchers 3.Highly employable, enterprising, creative and professional 4.Inclusive in their actions, valuing diversity 5.Ethically and environmentally responsible
Curriculum Design Policy Fundamentally about constructive alignment of outcomes, assessment and learning activity Paying regard to FHEQ and the rest of the QAA academic infrastructure Professional body requirements Other key drivers such as PDP, employability, sustainability
Assessment Policy 1 Assessment strategy aligned with learning outcomes and activities All LOs summatively assessed Variety and balance of reliable and valid assessment types Information about assessment to be shared with students at the start of the unit of study
Assessment policy 2 Guidance on –Consultation with externals about assessment design –Assessment briefs –Word counts –Anonymous marking –Moderation practice –Feedback timescale, etc.
L4 assessment principles 1 1 is a key priority in the overall curriculum design process 2 is fundamentally concerned with assessment for learning 3 promotes provision of timely feedback that enhances learning 4 encourages dialogue and interaction with peers and tutors so that shared conceptions of the subject, criteria and standards are developed
L4 assessment principles 2 5 prepares students for the methods and modes of assessment, as well as the technologies and ways of learning, at level 5 6 provides students with some choice as to their mode of assessment, within an overall structure 7 enhances aspirational engagement and intrinsic motivation.
Grade descriptors 1 UG grade descriptors apply across all years of UG study [levels 4-6] Qualitative descriptions of the distinction between categories... therefore reflected in –Use of letter system rather than numbers A-H –Calculation of award classification primarily by grade profile
Grade descriptors 2 Masters Grade descriptors apply to level 7 Again qualitatively expressed However still numerical scale... Encouragement to ‘translate’ these from generic to specific terms at programme or module level as appropriate Theoretically informed