Food Security Advocacy Capacity Building Workshop Access to Land with particular focus on Women Desmond Tutu Training Centre 22 nd November 2010 Doris Musonda, Zambia
Outline Acknowledgement Introduction Challenges Conclusion Way forward/Challenge
Acknowledgements Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) Africa Network on the Right to Food (ANRF) Employer – Land O’ Lakes
Introduction Land is an important resource, source of economic development and livelihood i.e. food, shelter, social status and power including cultural aspects Land is a key asset – production, water source, shelter Food = agriculture = land +++ (60% in Zambia) Women are usually marginalised in owning assets, productive assets e.g. land included Women form one of the largest marginalized and vulnerable groups
Introduction Cont’d Women are very productive on land as custodians of household food security Zambia has approximately 752,600 sq. km land vs 12 million people In Zambia, preference to investors owning huge tracts of land at the expense of vulnerable people utilizing it for food security Some Land Policies ignore the history reality of un-equal access to Land
Challenges Women face about land Problems include land tenure, disputes, unsuitable land legislation or lack of it, unfavorable land administration, land grabbing and invasions Patrilineal customs do not assign women entitlement to land and there is poor administration of inheritance rights In matrilineal societies, women have access to land. But due to social cultural factors, men continue to control the benefits from land through control of marketing of the produce from the land
Source: Source: Programme for Luapula Agricultural and Rural Development. Baseline Survey Report 2009 (63) M vs 245 F = 15.6%
Challenges Women face about land Cont’d Traditionally not ‘allowed’ to own land Land for their spouses is grabbed when the later passes-on Majority of the rural poor depend on traditional land (94 % in Z) – non legal bidding Banks grabs land from defaulters Poor implementation of policies
African saying Quote “I conceive of land to as belonging to a vast family of whom many are dead, a few are living and countless are still unborn. (Nigerian herder)(Lane, 1998:1) “ In Africa, we hold land in trust for: ◦ ancestors ◦ the un-born and ◦ the whole community.
Source: Programme for Luapula Agricultural and Rural Development. Baseline Survey Report 2009 (66)
Displaced farmers in Kapiri, Zambia
Conclusion The equitable access to land, particularly in favour of women in Africa, is far from being won despite some positive pronouncements But not all hope isn’t lost. The battle can be won if concerted effort is used
Way forward/Challenge This workshop should determine way forward Does the status quo continues or do we rise up and defend the fatherless!!!!!
Thank you for Attention Zikomo Maningi