The Healthy Oxfordshire Schools Programme Giti Paulin Anne Whitehead Healthy Schools Team CH3 – page 7 CH_SEP2308R15.ppt
The Healthy Schools Team (HOST) Co-ordinator Consultant Advisory Teacher for Primary PSHE SRE Advisory Teacher Drugs Education Consultant Led by Adviser for Citizenship and PSHE CH3 - page 8
What Do We Do? Support schools to meet the 41 criteria to become a “Healthy School” through… Conferences and training events PSHE Certification for teachers and nurses Policy Development Disseminating good practice Signposting to available services and support CH3 – page 9
Aims of The National Healthy Schools Programme To support children and young people in developing healthy behaviours To help raise pupil achievement To help reduce health inequalities To help promote social inclusion CH3 – page 10
Underlying Targets Halting the rise in childhood obesity Reducing teenage pregnancy rates Reduce STIs Reducing smoking rates Reducing drug and alcohol abuse Improve mental health and wellbeing CH3 – page 11
A Healthy School ….. has an ethos and culture that understands the importance of investing in physical and mental health consults and encourages participation of all equips pupils to make informed decisions about their health provides a physical and social environment that is conducive to learning supports staff health and well-being is committed to continuous improvement CH3 – page 12
The Four Core Themes Personal Social Health Education Healthy Eating Physical Activity Emotional Health and Well-Being 41 Criteria CH3 – page 13
Personal Social and Health Education Planned programme of PSHE Policies Professionals Partnership with agencies Professional development for staff Pupil views CH3 – page 14
Healthy Eating Whole school food policy Healthy food and drinks Welcoming eating environment Curriculum teaches balanced diet and practical cookery skills Pupils consulted CH3 – page 15
Physical Activity Range of opportunities for physical activity Physical activity policy Extracurricular activities Walking and cycling to school School travel plan Pupil consultation CH3 – page 16
Emotional Health and Well-Being Support for vulnerable pupils Has clear planned curriculum opportunities for pupils to explore feelings using appropriate learning and teaching styles Behaviour and rewards Clear policy on bullying Staff training CH3 – page 17
Self Validation Since January 2007 schools self-validate as Healthy Schools. Complete self-validation form and outcomes Qualitative and Quantitative outcomes The local programme “Quality Assures” the application. CH3 – page 18
Quality Assurance Self-validation form is submitted to the Quality Assurance Group. 3 meetings per year 10% of schools achieving NHSS will be visited annually for moderation purposes Schools should be representative of phase/type CH3 – page 19
National Targets 75% achieving NHSS by December % participation in the programme by December Oxfordshire target is 85% achieving NHSS by December 2009 CH3 – page 20
Progress Update - July % schools are registered Healthy Schools 96% schools currently participating HOSP Registration lasts for 3 years 43% of all schools need to re-apply 2009 CH3 – page 21