Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 1 Programming of Handheld and Mobile Devices Lecture 23 Summing up Rob Pooley
Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 2 Mobile and Handheld - summary General L01 Introduction L02 Defining A MID L03 Event Driven Programming Palm OS L04 Palm OS Programs L05 Programming PalmOS L06 Resources For PalmOS L07 ProgrammingOXOforPalmOS L08 Programs For OXO for PalmOS L09 MemoryDatabasesFiles MIDlets L10 JavaForMIDs L11 J2MEandMIDlets L12 BuildingMIDlets MIDlets continued L13 lcdui L14 MoreMIDlets L15 HTTPio Bluetooth L16 Bluetooth L17 BluetoothExample.NET L18 DotNetMobileFramework L19 DotNetMobileFramework2 L20 CSharp Issues L21 BraveNewWorld Miscellaneous L22 Symbian
Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 3 General What is a MID? How is it different from a normal PC? What features distinguish a MID? How does that affect how we program it? What is event driven programming? What is the general model for handling it? How can we specify event driven systems? What role do statecharts have in this process?
Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 4 Palm OS What is the structure of a Palm OS program? How does this implement event driven programming? How do we design and build Palm OS applications? What is distinctive about the way user interace components are specified in Palm OS? How is data stored and retrieved in Palm OS?
Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 5 MIDlets What is the structure of a MIDlet? How does it implement event driven programming? How do we design and implement MIDlet based applications? How do MIDlets handle the user interface? How does IO work for MIDlets? How are MIDlets different from Palm OS applications?
Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 6 Bluetooth What is Bluetooth? How is Bluetooth different from WiFi, Ethernet etc.? How does J2ME support Bluetooth? How do we set up and use a Bluetooth connection? What are Piconets and Scatternets? What are the limitations of Bluetooth?
Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 7.NET How is.NET similar to J2ME? How does it differ? How is C# similar to Java? What are the key differences? Why will.NET succeed? Why will it fail?
Programming Handheld and Mobile devices 8 Issues What are MIDs going to be used for? Will they remain distinct? Do you accept ubiquitous and pervasive computing? Will there be a single MID platform? Will MIDs make the world better, worse or different? What have you learned form the course? What issues interest you about this area?