Challenges of Food Security and Performance of Agriculture Dr. Kauser Abdulla Malik HI,SI,TI Distinguished National Professor (Biotechnology), Dean Postgraduate Studies Forman Christian College (a Chartered University) Lahore
World Development Report: 2008 Agriculture for Development World Bank Report 2008 75% of the world’s poor live in rural areas and most work in agriculture Majority of the world’s poor will still be in rural areas in 2040 Agricultural growth is the main engine for poverty reduction Cross-country econometric evidence indicates that GDP growth generated in agriculture has large benefits for the poor and is at least twice as effective in reducing poverty as growth generated by other sectors.
Agriculture in OIC Nearly all the OIC Member Countries (MC) are dependent on agriculture for food security According to World Bank Classification, 22 OIC MCs are; ‘agriculture based countries’ with agriculture contributing more than 20% of GDP and more than 40% being rural population. Agriculture growth in many of these countries is low
Constraints of Agriculture Sector (Local/Community) Inequities in resource (land and water) distribution Unsustainable use and degradation of natural resources Lack of access to agriculture inputs Weak adoption of innovations & technology Complex land tenure and water rights Lack of basic infrastructure& related services
Constraints of Agriculture Sector (National) Lack of political stability Weak governance and macroeconomic management Lack of appropriate legal and regulatory framework Limited financial resources Weak institutional capacity Inadequate planning and development roadmap
Constraints of Agriculture Sector (Regional) Problems related to cross border water sharing agreements Lack of regional transport infrastructure Inadequate and weak regional institution Intra-trade obstacles (non-tariff barriers)
MAIN ISSUES (Pakistan) Land holding – Small Farmers Increasing Cost of Production Slow adoption of new technologies Marketing Climate Change
What is food security ? Food security exists when all people, at all times, have nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life
DIMENSIONS OF FOOD SECURITY Availability Local Production Local Production Imports Imports Accessibility Governance / Marketing Governance / Marketing Affordability Increase In Income Level Increase In Income Level Targeted Subsidies Targeted Subsidies
According to the National Nutrition Survey Report of 2011 conducted in collaboration with UNICEF and recently launched, nearly 58 percent of the population is reported to be food insecure
YIELD GAP FOR MAJOR CROPS Crop Progressive Farmers’ Yield (Tonnes / ha.) National Average Yield (Avg. of last 3 years) (Tonnes / ha.) Yield Gap (%) (%) Wheat Cotton Sugarcane Sindh Punjab Punjab Maize Rice
WATER AVAILABILITY IN PAKISTAN Year Population (Million) Per Capita Water Availability (M 3 ) Source: MTDF ( ), Planning Commission
LOSSES IN IRRIGATION SYSTEM LOSSES IN IRRIGATION SYSTEM Location Delivery at Head (MAF) Losses (%)(MAF) Main and branch Canal Distributaries & Minors 9087 Water Courses Fields Crop Use 41-- T o t a l 6165 Source : MTDF ( ), Planning Commission
WATER PRODUCTIVITY IN CEREAL PRODUCTION IN SELECTED COUNTRIES Name of Country Withdrawals of Irrigation Water Per Capita (m 3 ) / Year Average Per Capita Cereal Production (kg) Cereal Production (kg) Per m 3 of Irrigation Water Canada 1921, USA 7851, China India Pakistan 1, Source: Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture in India, IWMI Publication No. 60, Year Quoted in MTDF ( ), Planning Commission)
Per Capita Availability of Calories (%) Food Groups Cereals & Pulses Edible Oil & Sugar Animal Products Vegetable & Fruits
Way Forward Identify Centres of Excellence (CoE) in various areas of Food Security in OIC MCs Establish clusters of CoE to encourage multidisciplinary research Identify common agriculture problems and develop collaborative/coordinated projects Establish Research Fund to support such activities Develop synergy and complimentarity with CGIAR centres.