Susan Elliott, Middle School Edison Resource Teacher Ingrid Grenci, Lower School Counselor Lynn Stewart, Assoc. Dean of College Counseling & Guidance
From ABC’s to SAT’s… 2001 Subject Area VT’s Math English Social Studies Foreign Language 2005 Student Services VT LS, MS, US Guidance College Counselors LHPS Nurse Edison Resource Program Academic Learning Lab
LSMSUS E/ALLNurse From ABC’s to SAT’s…
What works for us… Administrative buy-in Subject Coordinators We meet 8 times a year (first and last meeting is scheduled during pre/post-planning) From ABC’s to SAT’s…
Lower School Pre-K – 6 Middle School 7 – 8 Upper School 9 – 12 School Divisions LS Counselor Edison Resource Teacher MS Counselor Edison Resource Teacher US Counselors College Counselors Edison Resource Teacher Guidance/Counseling Vertical Team Supervisor of Academic Learning Lab (tutoring) School Nurses Special Assistant to the President for Curriculum and Academics PK-12
Before Vertical Teams… Counselors and Edison Resource Teachers worked independently within their respective divisions. All counselors and student support services staff came together twice a year: pre and post-planning. There was no instrument in place to promote professional dialogue between counselors and support services in different divisions. From ACT’s to SAT’s…
Better collaboration with Edison teachers Communication with school nurse regarding physical and mental health issues A better understanding of each divisions academic expectations and social climate From ABC’s to SAT’s… Lower School
Comprehensive directory of mental health professionals in the area Guest speakers at our meetings and sponsored by our team for whole school assemblies and parent or community events Familiarity and comfort level/trust and mutual respect with colleagues across divisions From ABC’s to SAT’s… Lower School
Access to more referrals and resources What’s trending in lower and upper school Brainstorm transition practices and matriculation Sharing counseling initiatives From ABC’s to SAT’s… Middle School
Transfer of expertise Assist with academic advising and healthy expectations for high school Cumulative review of student accommodations From ABC’s to SAT’s… Middle School
Better collaboration with Edison teachers re: Standardized testing Academic scheduling Classroom accommodations Parent Conferences From ABC’s to SAT’s… Upper School
After Vertical Team… Greater collaboration among counselors and support staff among all divisions and helps new staff assimilate to the LHP culture and community. Builds trust, empathy and compassion by enabling counselors to share professional challenges specific to his or her grade level. From ABC’s to SAT’s…
Contact Information: Susan Elliott at Ingrid Grenci at Lynn Stewart at From ABC’s to SAT’s…