Community & Cultural Services Team Staff Engagement Events November 2011
Slide 2 The vision The Neighbourhood Services Directorate is committed to developing, delivering and commissioning high quality services that best meet the needs of Manchester residents in the most cost effective, efficient and responsive manner. Through effective consultation and communication, working with members and partners, we will empower Manchester residents to play an active role in shaping their future, supporting and contributing to sustainable neighbourhoods. Within the Directorate we are focussed on improving capacity across all services to enable an effective, comprehensive, coordinated and most importantly localised response to issues that impact on the quality of our neighbourhoods.’
Slide 3 Reminder of NS Transformation Slide 3 Financial pressure £35m saving from £108m net budget 46% reduction in management, 25% reduction in staff Opportunity to deliver Neighbourhood Focus Strategy Current 23 services brought together into 3 service areas CCS at the heart of this transformation
Slide 4 Started late in 2009 with initial work on challenges ahead and opportunity Early 2010 Target Operating Model agreed September 2010 Blueprint signed off Moved into detailed design – work has continued and intensified Staff Engagement undertaken throughout the process Due to move into transition phase November 2011 The journey we have been on
Slide 5 CCS Vision Slide 5 to create a consistent offer of community service – previously delivered by leisure, libraries and culture a more integrated approach to community delivery and more relevant to each neighbourhood tailored community hubs for the specific needs and requirements of the neighbourhood easily accessible and inclusive providing enrichment opportunities and front office access to council services providing access to activities, information and advice with the added potential for customer self service reducing dependency and therefore costs needs to be maximised, co-locating activity wherever possible
Slide 6 How this will be achieved Slide 6 rationalising buildings with invest-to-save opportunities improving locations that bring together services combining management and staffing structures - 5 strategic regeneration areas removing duplication and delayering joining up provision between directorates - Youth and Play moving to an increased enabling role reducing spend on items that contribute the least to delivering outcomes for residents Making use of appropriate and new technologies needs to be maximised, co-locating activity wherever possible
Slide 7 Benefits for Customers Integrated access to a range of Council services through CCS facilities and community venues Proposed changes and associated efficiencies protect the service from further cuts. Employees will better understand customers requirements at a local level Further enables communities to have their own identities and individuals to have a voice. Building on good practice and sharing experience i.e. Friends Groups
Slide 8 Benefits for Staff Developmental opportunities will be available for staff to gain skills in new areas Knowledge and experience of staff will be transferred across services Staff within the new generic roles will have more variety within their new roles Broadens knowledge and expertise beyond current area of responsibility Flexible approach to delivery
Slide 9 SRF Areas A key element of the future service is the delivery of local services To support this the basis for organising services has been defined as the five SRF areas These have been further divided into 13 localities and the city centre.
Slide 10 Key roles in strategic arms now in post Area Managers recruited for N, C and S Recruitment for Wythenshawe and East Area Managers to be finalised by end November 2011 Neighbourhood Managers recruited for all Areas Decisions for all phase 5 posts including the Delivery Assistants to be communicated to staff by mid November 2011 Recruitment Progress to date
Slide 11 Neighbourhood Services Transformation CCS Structure
Slide 12 Culture Strategic Structure Slide 12 needs to be maximised, co-locating activity wherever possible
Slide 13 Library, Information and Archives Structure
Slide 14 Sport Strategic Structure
Slide 15 Neighbourhood Structure
Slide 16 CCS Area Structure Slide 16 needs to be maximised, co-locating activity wherever possible Eamonn O’Rourke Head of Community & Cultural Services Graham Herstell North Area Manager ( Parks & Heaton Park Theme) Mick Regan Central (& East) Area Manager (Health & Youth Theme) Eunice Long South Area (&Wyth) Manager (HR & Educ/ Volunteer Theme) Vacant East Area Manager Vacant Wythenshawe Area Manager Neighbourhood Manager x3 G.Wightman, L.Cunningham, P.Clarke Neighbourhood Manager x3 D.Ludlam, D.Conroy, E.McCarten (Job Share) Neighbourhood Manager x3 Y.O’Malley, K.Ward, S.Moores Neighbourhood Manager x3 M.Goulding, S.Downey, K.Nutall Neighbourhood Manager x3 I.Hopkinson, L.Sutton, S.West Area Management Delivery Officer x 7 Engagement Officer x 3 Delivery Assistants x Delivery Officer x 6 Engagement Officer x 2 Delivery Assistants x18.59 Delivery Officer x13 Engagement Officer x 4 Delivery Assistants x30.62 Delivery Officer x 9 Engagement Officer x 2 Delivery Assistants x Delivery Officer x6 Engagement Officer x3 Delivery Assistants x16.79 Area management plus thematic responsibility
Slide 17 Timescales Moving into transition now Likely to last up to March 2012 with change to new ways of working over time Neighbourhood Managers moving into new office arrangements Initially these will be Mauldeth House, Hexagon Tower, Alderman Downward House, NEM, Various hot desking locations have been put in place to support closer Neighbourhood working and links to Thematic delivery.
Slide 18 Key changes Whole team focussed on SRF area Create strong links to Strategic arms of CCS and wider stakeholders ie RSL’s, GMP, Regeneration & NDT Good communication will be critical – managing expectations of members, residents and partners Whole team approach Senior Management recognise the scale of the change and that it will take time to deliver the required new ways of working
Slide 19 Thank You ! Any Questions ?