Parklands Area Forum Hugh Wignall Head of Neighbourhood Services October 2012
Neighbourhood Services Who we are and what we do Dedicated team Joint tasking Geographic focus One contact for a problem Differing schedules based on need Community prioritisation of service
What are we trying to achieve? Improved access to services with increased community involvement in planning and decision making Open and honest dialogue Identification of neighbourhood issues Prioritisation of issues Partnership working to address these
Update on activities – Parklands
Neighbourhood Priorities identified at the last meeting Dog fouling Fly tipping & refuse in back alleys Condition of roads
Update on Environmental Enforcement activities Dog Fouling Irresponsible Management of Waste Fly Tipping Littering (including from vehicles) Abandoned Cars Noise Nuisance Criminal Damage/Graffiti/Fly Posting Nuisance Parking Scrap Metal Theft Problem Alleys Enforcement To Date: Challenges (CDR)21 (Caught doing right) Challenges (CDW)2 (Caught doing wrong) Dog Fouling (FPN):1 Littering (FPN):0
Update on Environmental Enforcement activities Parking Enforcement events Layton Primary School 5 Penalty charge notices issued for parking on Zig Zags
Bag it, Bin it DOG CONTROL ORDERS –RESULTS OF CONSULTATION (1) The Fouling of Land by Dogs Order: Failing to remove dog faeces: The fixed penalty will increase from £50 to £80. The Order is town wide (2) The Dogs on Leads Order: Not keeping a dog on a lead in areas where dogs are required to be on leads. The areas where dogs are to be on leads will be decided following the consultation process (3) The Dogs on Leads by Direction Order: Not putting, and keeping, a dog on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer: This gives Council, PCSO's and Police Officers the ability to instruct dog owners to put their dogs on leads. The Order is town wide (4) The Dogs Exclusion Order: Permitting a dog to enter land from which dogs are excluded: The areas where dogs are to be banned will be decided following the consultation process
You said, We did… A suggestion was made that the Council use unemployed volunteers to help clear areas. We did
You said, We did… An update on the meeting held on 7th August between the Council and NHS regarding parking issues We did
You said, We did… A resident reported that there were issues with residents parking or driving over grass verges which then caused damage. We did
You said, We did… Requested that the Council ensure staff coverage at appropriate times to enforce dog fouling orders. We did
You said, We did… In order to improve attendance at the Forum it was suggested that we consider the production of a Parklands newsletter, and a Parklands web site and that members encourage neighbours to attend. We did
You said, We did… You said We did
Community Payback
LOCATION Before… After…
LOCATION Before… After…
LOCATION Before… After…
News and activities
Open floor issues / ideas / comments Responses from Councillors, Neighbourhood services, Police, Fire and NHS Blackpool