TERMS Ovum – female reproductive cell; egg cell Sperm – male reproductive cell; determines the sex of the child
TERMS Ovary – organ that contains the egg which is released once a month Fallopian Tube – location of fertilization Uterus – small organ that stretches to accommodate a developing baby; also called a womb
TERMS Ovulation – mature egg is release from the ovary Vagina – birth canal Cervix – mouth of uterus that stretches to allow the baby to pass from the uterus to the birth canal
TERMS Endometrium – lining of the uterus composed of blood vessels Estrogen – female hormone that build endometrium Progesterone – female hormone responsible for pregnancy
TERMS Testosterone – male hormone PH – acidity or alkalinity of a substance Fertilization/Conception – union of the ovum and sperm
FACTS Reproductive cycle in the female is approximately 28 days. Male Semen – base or alkaline PH
FACTS Female Chemistry Before Ovulation: acid PH in vagina and uterus
FACTS Female Chemistry After Ovulation: Acid PH in vagina; however, Alkaline PH in uterus and fallopian tubes
FACTS DAY 1 – marked by first day of menstrual period Releases endometrium if pregnancy does not occur Begins to build a new endomentrium to possible accommodate future pregnancy
FACTS DAY 14 – Ovulation occurs Known as the fertile period for the female Female stops producing ESTROGEN and starts to produce PROGESTERONE (known as the Pregnancy Harmone)
FACTS Life Expectancy: OVUM – 24 hours SPERM – 48 to 72 hours