Making Poplar a better place to live Poplar Neighbourhood Babu Bhattacherjee
Making Poplar a better place to live Founded in 1998 Stock Transfer – 9000 11 Estates / 4 Wards Resident Majority Board Employer of Local People 9 Community Centres Services to 40,000 people Poplar HARCA
Making Poplar a better place to live Localism Local public services can be more effective and efficient where they are co-designed in an integrated way by residents, public service agencies and others
Making Poplar a better place to live Spend Mapping C.O.F.O.G
Making Poplar a better place to live Community Involvement Schools, community groups, businesses and places of worship The TV phone-in raised the profile to a much wider group 1,170 community members participated in the surveys local people offering to volunteer Health, Employment and Education
Making Poplar a better place to live The Poplar Area Two Wards Mile End East & Bromley By Bow Population - 27,689 people Over 50% of the residents being under age 30 Life expectancy for males below the average for the England Highest proportion of residents living in social housing Highest hospital admission rates and consequently the highest hospital costs per head of population Tower Hamlets
Making Poplar a better place to live Diabetes – Tower Hamlets There are approximately 522 hospital admissions related to Diabetes each year Diabetes will increase from 7.8% in 2010 to 10.1% in 2030 Primary care costs will rise from £3.6 million for primary care in 2010 to £5.6 million in 2030 £11.8 million for secondary care in 2010 to 18.4 m in 2030 Morbidity without any intervention directly attributable to diabetes in Tower Hamlets are 8.7 per 100,000
Making Poplar a better place to live Add value to the current clinical care packages by incorporating areas that impact on the wider determinants of health such as: employment, education, housing and welfare benefits. Volunteers will be deployed to work with the practices to support this approach Health - Care Packages
Making Poplar a better place to live Inputs StakeholderProactive Costs Poplar HARCA Training and Employment£383,706 Mile End East & Bromley by Bow GP Network£118,677 Bromley by Bow Centre£30,000 St Paul's Way Community Interest Company£30,000 Kingsway College£12,000 Local Training Providers£6,000 3rd Party Funders£126,000 Burdett Centre£90,000 DCLG£100,000 DWP FSF£50,000 Tower Hamlets NHS£10,000 Local Community Volunteers£90,000 Total £1,046,382
Making Poplar a better place to live Outputs Reduction in number of people receiving secondary care, i.e. emergency admissions related to diabetes Reduction in the number of people developing type 2 diabetes Increased number of people aware of and engaging in healthy lifestyles who benefit from long term improvements in health Increase the number of people in employment Increase the number of people accessing quality accredited training
Making Poplar a better place to live Cost Benefit Analysis Overall Benefits: £12,834,296 Fiscal Benefits: £5,848,528 Economic Benefits: £859,200 Wider Social Outcomes: £6,126,569 £12 £1 Social Return on Investment Cost Benefit Ratio 12.3 Fiscal Cost Benefit Ratio 5.6 Economic Cost Benefit Ratio 0.8 Social Cost Benefit Ratio 5.9 StakeholderProactive Costs Poplar Harca£383,706 MEEBBB£118,677 BBBC£30,000 St Paul's Way CIC£30,000 Kingsway college£12,000 Local Training Providers£6,000 3rd Party Funder£126,000 Burdett Centre£90,000 DCLG£100,000 DWP FSF£50,000 Tower Hamlets NHS£10,000 Local community£90,000 Total £1,046,382
Making Poplar a better place to live Non Quantifiable Benefits Helping people access health services Supporting positive behaviour changes Improving health status including better mental health and improved disease management Supporting appropriate use of health care services including reducing barriers to access and decreasing hospital admissions.
Making Poplar a better place to live “Can devolving budgets produce better local services?”