Experiences from the period and outlook for Transnational Chamber Training on EU-funds The IPA and the Balkan area: case studies for a successful participation to the funding opportunities Brussels, 27 March 2015
IPA – funding opportunities for chambers Service contracts: majority of tenders potential conflict of interest with members commercial aspect versus non-profit concept Grants: minority of tenders depending on co-financing rate return on staff costs must cover expenses for other direct costs (travel, events, etc.) number of grants does not justify establishment of an internal project unit search for lead partners Twinning: availability of staff low expert fees management fees to be shared with external project management experts project platform AED in Austria Budgetary support: replacing tender activities
BRO-suport: from business support to socio- economic programme PHARE Objectives: support the ability of BROs to take on and implement the Community acquis and support its implementation in their member companies contribute to the full familiarisation of target business representative organisations with the relevant acquis and its implications vis-à-vis their company members Budget: 10 Mio. EUR Grant size: 500 – 750 kEUR Co-financing by EU: 80% WKÖ: participation in SME FIT IISME FIT II consortium led by UEAPME as country coordinator IPA Objectives: strengthening of civil society within a participative democracy, stimulating a civil society friendly 'environment' and culture promoting the principles and values of the European Union in the potential member states in the region, respecting the sensitivities of those involved and enhancing regional cooperation and good neighbourhood relations Budget: 5 Mio. EUR Grant size: 50 – 500 kEUR Co-financing by EU: % WKÖ: no participation; 1 expert involved as a speaker in a conference in a environmental project led by the Austrian Red Cross
BRO-Requests for the current period Re-Focus on BROs instead of civil society as a whole main driver/multiplyer in the accession process, needs expressed by local BROs (e.g. Serbia) Pragmatic opening to private sector experts project development TAIEX Twinning Result driven budgeting/financial reporting instead of real cost based more flexibility in implementation Establish a project development facility in order to increase the absorption capacity in the target countries
Outlook – recently closed and forthcoming calls Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey - IV Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey - IV Enterprise and Industrial Policy Grant Scheme (CSD - IV/ENT) Civil Society Facility Operating Grants to IPA CSO Associations Support to regional thematic associations Civil Society Facility Operating Grants to IPA CSO Associations Which calls to be expected? + specifically designed for business + decent co-financing (up to 90 %) - budget available ( EUR) + improvement of social dialogue and strengthening of the capacities of social economic partners - regional approach (new institutions to be established) - budget available ( EUR)