First off, a few things: 1. Voice ~ Your writing should engage, not bore. 2. Synthesize and analyze the information, do not regurgitate it. 3. Intro’s ~ Begin in a general, engaging, universal way... Slowly lead into thesis. 4. Topic Sentences ~ Should NEVER begin with a direct quotation. 5. NEVER use 2 nd Person (you), Contractions, Parentheses, Exclamation points, etc... Too informal. 6. PROOFREAD! (for style, language, word choice, spelling, punctuation, etc.) 7. DEVELOPMENT! You are given a lot of information ~ USE IT!
TASK THREE New York State Regents in English
Task Three The task three essay is the first essay you will write on the second day of the regents exam The task three essay is often called the Controlling Idea essay This essay consists of reading two genres of literature and crafting an essay based on a similar thematic (i.e: controlling) idea.
Task Three The task three essay consists of two genres of literature with a similar theme (controlling idea): Read both pieces of literature carefully before answering the multiple choice questions (you can view the questions beforehand in this task) Then, you will need to write your essay
You MUST: establish a THESIS STATEMENT (CONTROLLING IDEA) about how both passages develop the same idea. (as you read the passages, look purposefully and carefully for how this idea is presented throughout each)
You Must Be sure to incorporate both passages into this statement Develop your idea by using specific and relevant details (including direct quotations) from both works (i.e. TEXTUAL EVIDENCE). show how each author makes use of a specific LITERARY TECHNIQUE to develop his/her work
TIPS Make sure your controlling idea deals with both passages Choose textual evidence and direct quotations purposefully and carefully...not just to have "stuff" in your essay—no irrelevant details! Do not make general statements without backing them up with concrete details Try to "balance" your information on both texts
Task Three Follow the task precisely In your essay, you MUST discuss both literary works and focus on their thematic similarity Remember, you are graded on M D L O C
Task Three Let’s read through the hand-outs and the task together and then you can begin writing your essay I will collect your work at the end of class and give it back to you next class period to finish