Concussions Jack Long 3rd period
Causes and transmissions Concussions are caused by a sudden blow, fall, or injury to the head. The most common ways for someone to get a concussion is through a motor vehicle accident or a sports injury. For example, a motorcyclist may fall off their motorcycle in an accident and hit their head on the pavement. Or a boxer may receive an uppercut to the head.
Target population Anyone is equally susceptible to get a concussion. The people who are most at risk are athletes who play contact sports and motorists.
effects on cns/pns Concussions are simply a bruise to the brain. But some concussions can cause internal bleeding in the head. Athletes who had a concussion in college, had greater memory loss later on in life than athletes who didn't. Concussions can also lead to life-threatening disorders such as depression
SymPTOms Symptoms may appear subtle and not be immediately noticeable The most common symptoms of a concussion are headaches, amnesia, and confusion. Other Symptoms- loss of conciousness feeling of pressure on head dizziness ringing in ears fatigue nausea/vomiting
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prognosis Most people recover in about 6-12 weeks. Recovery will be slower with those who have had previous concussion, and with the elderly. A small percentage of people will develop long lasting symptoms from their concussion.
cures and treatments There is no known cure for a concussion, simply because it is just a bruise to the brain. Treatment- The best treatment for a concussion is rest and observation by an adult or doctor. Advil or other pain killer is acceptable for neck and head pain It is critical to stay away from television and reading/school work to allow the brain to rest.
notable celebrities Troy Aikman has had around 10 known concussions Junior Seau had multiple concussions during his career, which are now linked to his suicide in summer 2012.
organizations The NFL and other professional sports leagues are working hard to reduce the risk of concussions and work on the technological advancement of athletic equipment.
works cited Concussion. (2010). In M. H. Ferrara (Ed.), Human Diseases and Conditions (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp ). Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons. Retrieved from What is Brain Trauma? (2009). In H. Marcovitz, Diseases & Disorders. Brain Trauma (pp ). Detroit: Lucent Books. Retrieved from Phend, C. (2009, January 29). Concussions appear to have lifelong impact on brain. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.). Symptoms. Retrieved from