Chapter 16
2 Growth form through postembryonic processes Animal form during embryogenesis
Are there increases in complexity? To what extent is growth coupled to division, expansion & differentiation How does the environment affect or influence growth processes? How are characteristic patterns genetically controlled? 3
Second set details nature of the underlying mechanisms How are characteristic growth patterns genetically determined? How is development tied to external influences? Nutrients, energy, stress What mechanisms deal with external influences? What physical components involved & how do they work? 4
Plants rigid anatomy compared to animals Animal development characterized by cellular migration Plant cells in inflexible/woody matrix Sporophyte development Embryogenesis Germination/Vegetative development Reproductive development 5
Process transforming the zygote into a multicellular entity having a characteristic organization Within the ovule Predictable sequence Basic patterning – establishes polarity Cells differentiate positionally Concluding with changes allowing the embryo to survive dormancy 7
The breaking of the dormant state and the beginning of vegetative growth Many factors can trigger germination Early – stored reserves in the seed Meristematic activity Photomorphogenesis (ch. 17) – seedling photosynthesizes Indeterminate growth 8
Transition from vegetative to reproductive Flowering (ch. 25) Fruit development 9
Developmental processes by which basic plant architecture established Morphogenesis – elaboration of form Organogenesis – formation of functionally organized structures Histogenesis – differentiation producing tissues Apical meristems – sustain indeterminate growth Development enables dormancy and germination 10
Arabidopsis – model organism Monocots -- weird. Zygote (a) Globular (b-d) Heart (e-f) Torpedo (g) Mature (h) 11
Polarity Apical-basal axis Radial axis Apical-basal begins with zygote Apical cell -> nearly entire embryo Basal cell -> transient suspensor 13
Apical cell Apical region cotyledons + apical meristem Middle region hypocotyl, root, and meristem Hypophysis quiescent center and root cap 14
Lineage-dependent signaling Cell fate is fixed fixed programs of development Position-dependent signaling Cell fate depends on position BUT Cells have to have cues to signify position Cells have to assess their location Cells have to respond to that information 15
Auxin important tissue culture Embryogenic patterns in total absence of plant Auxin deficient mutants morphologically similar to normal plants with altered auxins 16
TRIVIA! GURKE – encodes acetyl-CoA carboxylase – required for synthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids and sphingolipids FACKEL – encodes a sterol C-14 reductase GNOM – guanine nucleotide exchange factor which enables polar distribution of auxin MONOPTEROS – encodes an auxin response factor 19
Radial patterning Mechanism unknown Work with Gibberellin mutants 20
Meristems ≈ Stem Cells Mitotic potential persists RAM/SAM – most important Intercalary meristems – meristems flanked by differentiated tissues Marginal meristems – edges of developing organs Meristemoids – superficial clusters of cells (trichomes, stomata, etc.) 22
Similarities Initials – slow dividing & undetermined fate Are the underlying mechanisms the same? Differences Lateral root formation back from root tip Leaves form at meristem – specialized terminology 23
4 zones with distinct behaviors Root Cap Covers meristem; secreted mucigel Perceives gravity Meristematic Zone Initials that produce the root tissues Elongation Zone Rapid and extensive cell elongation Rate decreases with distance Maturation Zone Cells acquire differentiated characteristics Elongation/differentiation have ceased Lateral organs form 24
Quiescent Center – low rate of cell division Close functional relationship between QC and other initials – apparently SPECIES DEPENDANT! Removal of QC results in abnormal division and precocious differentiation QC -- auxin concentration maximum Derived from apical cell of hypophysis 26
Auxin vs Cytokinin Auxin largely synthesized in shoot transported to root Promotes root growth Cytokinin synthesized in root transported to shoot Promotes shoot growth; suppresses roots Signaling begins in hypophysis 27
Maintain sets of undetermined cells that enable indeterminate growth SAM – initials and undifferentiated derivatives Shoot apex – SAM plus developmentally committed cells (e.g., most recently formed leaf primordia) Species specific! 28
Zones and layers Central Zone – cluster of infrequently dividing cells (c.f., QC) Peripheral Zone – dense; incorporated into lateral organs (e.g., leaves) Rib Zone – gives rise to internal tissues 29
Zones and Layers Tunica L1 epidermis Anticlinal divisions Corpus L2 & L3 internal tissues L2 – anticlinal L3 – randomly oriented Identities are position dependant L2 cell divides periclinally and in L1 becomes epidermis 30
Similar mechanisms maintain initials in SAM and RAM 31
Phyllotaxy Position dependant mechanisms Auxins (remember Vi Hart?) Leaf initiation depends on auxin accumulation 32
Planar form of the leaf 33
Distinct mechanisms for formation of lateral organs Root series of periclinal divisions in pericycle growth in plane perpendicular to root 34
Distinct mechanisms for formation of lateral organs Shoot cells from several distinct layers Axillary meristems Pattern of branch formation directly related to phyllotaxy Apical dominance ( Auxins) 35
Senescence ≠ Necrosis Senescence – energy-dependant developmental process Necrosis – death brought about by physical damage, poisons, or external injury Senescence – ordered degradation of cellular contents; remobilization of nutrients Associated with abscission Early senescence – nutrients mobilization reversible 36
Occurs variety of organs; in response to different cues Monocarpic senescence – senescence of entire plant after a single reproductive cycle Senescence of aerial shoots in herbaceous perennials Seasonal leaf senescence Sequential leaf senescence (leaves of an age die) Senescence of fruits Senescence of storage cotyledons Senescence of floral organs Senescence of specialized cell types (e.g., trichomes, tracheids, vessel elements, etc.) 37
Triggers Reproductive processes Environmental cues Day length; temperature Pathogens Hormonal control ethylene; cytokinins Oxidative stress Metabolic status sugar sensor hexokinase Macromolecule degredation Intrinsic developmental factors age-related Programmed cell death apoptosis 38
Chloroplast first to degrade Significant in terms on nutrient reallocation N Releases potentially phototoxic chlorophyll 39
Programmed cell death Pathogens necrotic lesions DNA replication errors Xylem trachery elements 40