Lions are Everyday Heroes Nalin Fernando West Hempstead Lions Club
Before the Tsunami Mount Lavinia Hotel, Sri Lanka
After the Tsunami Receding waters: Kalutara Beach, Sri Lanka
After the Tsunami
Actions Following the Tsunami Dec. 27 th 2004: –Vice President Al Brandel reached out –He offered to help with tsunami relief –Lions Clubs International Foundation can expedite an emergency grant
Temporary Housing
After the Tsunami
December 26 th – 31 st, 2004 Sri Lanka: 46,000> Indonesia: 94,081 India: 9,575 Thailand: 4,500 Maldives: 81 Malaysia: 66 Burma: 59 Bangladesh: 2 Somalia: 114 Kenya: Seychelles: 3 Tanzania: 10 CNN.COM Jan 3rd.2005 CONFIRMED DEATH TOLL
A country linked in sorrow and mourning A community unified to aid the tsunami victims Local companies donating food Households donating canned and dry goods Local Lions front and center The Rise of the Everyday Hero
- Vice President Al Brandel and Council Chair Andy Umreiko met with UNICEF Analyzing RFQ from Sri Lanka to US Mission for Tents??? United Nations and Lions Clubs International
Sri Lanka – New York Friendship House
New York – January 2005 West Hempstead & Rockville Centre Lions Clubs in New York had a joint meeting Together they donated funds to build a house in Sri Lanka as part of their Tsunami Relief effort
New York – February 2005 Spoke to young children at the Waldorf School of Garden City Explained how the Waldorf School of Garden City could participate
Waldorf School – May 2005 Waldorf students organized a fund-raising basketball tournament The funds raised were enough to donate a house Additionally, $2,000 was donated as a educational scholarship to the children in the house
THANK YOU! Nalin Fernando West Hempstead Lions Club Lions are Everyday Heroes