Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on Universal Access to HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support 30-31 March 2011 Bangkok.


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Presentation transcript:

Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on Universal Access to HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support March 2011 Bangkok

General Assembly 65/180 of 21 December 2010: Decided to convene a High Level Meeting on AIDS, 8-10 June 2011, New York Requested UNAIDS & regional commissions (UN-ESCAP) to support the regional preparatory process & the High Level Meeting Why are we here?

1.To review progress on universal access 2.To exchange information, evidence & experience 3.To reach consensus on regional priorities & the way forward towards 2015 What are our objectives?

Who is here? Participants: –27 Governments from Asia-Pacific region –Civil society & key affected populations –Intergovernmental regional organizations –International development partners –United Nations system Organizers: –UNAIDS –UN-ESCAP

What will we do? Review universal access in 4 key areas:  Revolutionizing prevention  Catalyzing treatment, care & support  Human rights & legal environments  Sustainable financing, national ownership & capacity Working groups for in-depth discussions Marketplace of ideas – peer review of group results Plenary presentations Adoption of outcome document

What do we want to achieve? Recommit to a new set of targets to achieve universal access Strengthen linkages among key actors (health, law enforcement, drug control, judiciary & legislators) Promote inclusive & meaningful participation of civil society & key affected populations Foster national ownership of the AIDS response Recommend draft resolution to governments

Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation March Bangkok ESCAP Annual Commission 67 th Session May 2011 Bangkok United Nations General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS 8-10 June 2011 New York ESCAP High-level Intergovernmental Meeting to Assess Progress Against the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS & the Millennium Development Goals 1-3 November 2011 Bangkok How will the outcome be used?

Who’s organizing it? President of the General Assembly (PGA) has overall “custody” – supported by UN Secretariat PGA has appointed Permanent Representatives of Australia & Botswana to assist in preparations UNAIDS is providing technical support

What are the objectives? Review progress Chart the way forward Renew resolve

Who’s involved? Governments Intergovernmental entities Civil society & private sector UN organizations

What’s expected? Plenary sessions Panels Side events Adoption by Member States of a “concise & action-oriented declaration”

Your participation is critical to achieve universal access! Thank you!