OMEP World Assembly Report OMEP at the UN in Message from Maria Pia Belloni, OMEP’s Main Representative at the United Nations 2.OMEP 2014 Annual Report, p Very brief summary
Goals for 2014 (1)Strengthening OMEP’s visibility and credibility as a leading ECD/ECE organization (2)Increasing OMEP’s level of participation and leadership in high level meetings and events (3)Strengthening relationships with key personnel at the UN and UNICEF (4)Increasing participation in NGO Committees (5)Applying for a change in OMEP’s UN consultative status from Roster to Special
Accomplishments 1.Achieved Special Status! 2.Contributed to early childhood advocacy for SCG goals and targets 3.Almost daily participation in UN meetings and events +leadership on the Migration Committee and subcommittee on Migrant Children’s Issues. 4.Co-organized and co-sponsored 6 UN Events 5.Laid the groundwork for scaling up WASH from the Start – thanks to national committee participation 6.Mentored interns 7.Created a bibliography on need to protect migrant and refugee children
Emotional Support Kits for Young Children in Red Cross Shelters OMEP Initiative with the Red Cross of New York
OMEP-Whittier College Chapter and Broadoaks School Children’s Chapter
THE BIG QUESTION Applicability to ZIP and KIP?