JTWC Satellite Operations (SATOPS) Capt Kathryn Payne 27 April W SINLAKU ATCF
Overview SATOPS overview Satellite fix statistics 2008 METSAT Conference Conclusions –Microwave Constellation –Quikscat –Improvements to Intensity Estimates
SATOPS Mission JTWC now has the sole Tropical Cyclone (TC) Reconnaissance Mission in USPACOMJTWC now has the sole Tropical Cyclone (TC) Reconnaissance Mission in USPACOM Support JTWC TC Forecast OperationsSupport JTWC TC Forecast Operations –METWATCH AOR for disturbances –Evaluate disturbances for TC genesis –Assess TC position/intensity –Synergistic relationship with Typhoon Duty Officers (TDOs) –Post-storm F-deck QC –Transition research to operations through collaboration
Organizational Structure NMFC CO Director, JTWC JTOPS A-section TDOB-section TDO C-section TDOD-section TDO SATOPS Flight CC A-section Analyst SATOPS NCOIC B-section Analyst Assistant NCOIC C-section Analyst Analyst U/I D-section Analyst Tech Dev Chief Developer (civ) Tech Advisor (civ) SATOPS: 1 AF Capt + 5 AF Enlisted + 2 AF civilians = 8 total
SATOPS Tools USAF / MARK IVB Satellite SystemUSAF / MARK IVB Satellite System USN / FMQ-17 Satellite SystemUSN / FMQ-17 Satellite System Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast System (ATCF)Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecast System (ATCF) –Geo-referenced –From FNMOC/NRL FNMOC and NRL TC Web PagesFNMOC and NRL TC Web Pages
Fixing Process JAAWIN Position Fix every 3 hours –VIS, IR, Multi-spectral Intensity Estimate every 6 hours –Dvorak Technique Code and Transmit Bulletin Process Other Agencies’ Fixes Radar/Dropsonde fixes Microwave Fixes as available –Now transmitted longline
2008 Satellite Fixes By Agency 73% 6% 16% Total Satellite Fixes = 12, %
2008 Geostationary Fixes By Platform (PGTW) Total Geostationary Fixes = 4, % 36% 2%
2008 Microwave Fixes By Platform (PGTW) Total Microwave Fixes = 5,111 Over half of PGTW fixes are now microwave % 17% 13% 7% 9% 15% 5%
2004 vs Fixes Total9,0649,199 Geostationary5,0314,070 Microwave4,0335,111
Exposed LLCC Sheared Convection Apparent LLCC True LLCC Slide courtesy of Jeff Hawkins, NRL
METSAT Conference Topics Future of Satellites Improvements to operational intensity estimates Participants –JTWC –NPOESS –NESDIS Satellite Analysis Branch –Naval Research Lab (NRL) –Fleet Numerical (FNMOC) –University of Wisconsin, CIMSS –NOAA-Science and Technology –Remote Sensing Systems –Lockheed Martin (Mark IVB) –SeaSpace (FMQ-17/TeraScan) –NWS Guam
Mid AM Orbit Polar Satellite Programs NPP NPOESS C1 MetOp-B MetOp-C PM Orbit NOAA 18 AM Orbit DMSP F19 DMSP F20 DMSP F18 NOAA 19 Extended operation Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DoD) European Polar System (EUMETSAT) NOAA Polar Satellite Program NPOESS Preparatory Project (NASA/NOAA) NPOESS(NOAA/DoD/NASA) Calendar Year NOAA 17 NPOESS C2 Satellite is beyond design life DMSP F16 DMSP F17 MetOp-A NPP Previous Schedule (through November 2008) MetOp-D NPOESS C3 Slide courtesy of Maj Chris Dennison (NPOESS)
Future of Satellites- Conclusions JTWC needs assistance in quantifying satellite platforms’ impact to operations –Ex: reduction in forecast errors, $ saved, sorties prevented JTWC needs a systematic way to advocate for satellite programs (ex. GCOM scatterometer/AMSRE) A temporal sampling requirement is needed for microwave imagery/sounders –Ex: imagery needed every 3 hours Request increased resolution for MIS (NPOESS) sensor
Quikscat Essential to JTWC operations –Synoptic Analysis –Initial warnings often based on quikscat winds Windsat/ASCAT- poorer spatial resolution First scheduled replacement- Dual Frequency Scatterometer (DFS) 2016 Potential to run second ASCAT 20 minutes after 1 st –ASCAT flies on MetOp series Quikscat Windsat Ascat
Dvorak Technique Due to lack of aircraft recon, Dvorak primary tool for intensity estimates Known weaknesses in Dvorak present problems for TDO/analyst –Few updates to process in 30 years –Subjectivity –Rapid intensification –Weakening systems –Weak, developing systems –Midgets/pinhole eye
Improvements to Intensity Estimates Need correct baseline intensity to improve intensity forecasting Investigate use of CIMSS’ SATCON (Satellite Consensus) intensity estimate as a supplement to Dvorak –Weighted consensus of 3 automated satellite intensity estimates ADT (Advanced Dvorak Technique) AMSU (CIMSS) AMSU (CIRA) –Collaborate to improve understanding of these intensity estimates Priority for improvements concern storms less that 35 kts and rapid intensifiers
SATOPS Contacts OIC – Capt Kathryn PayneOIC – Capt Kathryn Payne Capt Stephen Chesser (Aug 09) Capt Stephen Chesser (Aug 09) NCOIC – TSgt Ken ViaultNCOIC – TSgt Ken Viault MSgt Mike Oates (TBD) MSgt Mike Oates (TBD) Duty Satellite Analyst:Duty Satellite Analyst: –Commercial: (808) –DSN: (315) SATOPS Office:SATOPS Office: –Commercial: (808) –DSN: (315)