Chapter 1: Perspectives Yan Solihin Copyright notice: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author. An exception is granted for academic lectures at universities and colleges, provided that the following text is included in such copy: “Source: Yan Solihin, Fundamentals of Parallel Computer Architecture, 2008”.
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 12 Evolution in Microprocessors
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 13 Key Points Increasingly more and more components can be integrated on a single chip Speed of integration tracks Moore’s law: doubling every months. Performance tracks speed of integration up until recently At the architecture level, there are two techniques Instruction Level Parallelism Cache Memory Performance gain from uniprocessor system so significant making multiprocessor systems not profitable
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 14 Illustration 100-processor system with perfect speedup Compared to a single processor system Year 1: 100x faster Year 2: 62.5x faster Year 3: 39x faster … Year 10: 0.9x faster Single processor performance catches up in just a few years! Even worse It takes longer to develop a multiprocessor system Low volume means prices must be very high High prices delay adoption Perfect speedup is unattainable
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 15 Why did uniproc performance grow so fast? ~ half from circuit improvement (smaller transistors, faster clock, etc.) ~ half from architecture/organization: Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) Pipelining: RISC, CISC with RISC backend Superscalar Out of order execution Memory hierarchy (Caches) Exploiting spatial and temporal locality Multiple cache levels
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 16 But the uniproc perf growth is stalling Source of uniprocessor performance growth: instruction level parallelism (ILP) Parallel execution of independent instructions from a single thread ILP growth has slowed abruptly Memory wall: Processor speed grows at 55%/year, memory speed grows at 7% per year ILP wall: achieving higher ILP requires quadratically increasing complexity (and power) Power efficiency Thermal packaging limit vs. cost
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 17 Instruction level (ECE 521) Pipelining Types of parallelism A (a load) B C IFIDMEMEXWB IFIDMEMEXWB IFIDMEMEXWB
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 18 Superscalar/ VLIW Original: Schedule as: + Moderate degree of parallelism (sometimes 50) - Requires fast communication (register level) LD F0, 34(R2) ADDD F4, F0, F2 LD F7, 45(R3) ADDD F8, F7, F6 LD F0, 34(R2) | LD F7, 45(R3) ADDD F4, F0, F2 | ADDD F8, F0, F6
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 19 Why ILP is slowing Branch prediction accuracy is already > 90% Hard to improve it even more Number of pipeline stages is already deep (~20-30 stages) But critical dependence loops do not change Memory latency requires more clock cycles to satisfy Processor width is already high Quadratically increasing complexity to increase the width Cache size Effective, but also shows diminishing returns In general, the size must be doubled to reduce miss rate by a half
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 110 Current Trend: Multicore and Manycore AspectsIntel Clovertown AMD Barcelona IBM Cell # cores448+1 Clock Freq2.66 GHz2.3 GHz3.2 GHz Core typeOOO Superscalar 2-issue SIMD Caches2x4MB L2512KB L2 (private), 2MB L3 (shd) 256KB local store Chip power120 Watts95 Watts100 Watts
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 111 Historical Perspectives 80s – early 90s: prime time for parallel architecture research A microprocessor cannot fit on a chip, so naturally need multiple chips (and processors) J-machine, M-machine, Alewife, Tera, HEP, etc. 90s: at the low end, uniprocessor systems’ speed grows much faster than parallel systems’ speed A microprocessor fits on a chip. So do branch predictor, multiple functional units, large caches, etc! Microprocessor also exploits parallelism (pipelining, multiple-issue, VLIW) – parallelisms originally invented for multiprocessors Many parallel computer vendors went bankrupt Prestigious but small high-performance computing market
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 112 “If the automobile industry advanced as rapidly as the semiconductor industry, a Rolls Royce would get ½ million miles per gallon and it would be cheaper to throw it away than to park it.” Gordon Moore, Intel Corporation
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 113 90s: emergence of distributed (vs. parallel) machines Progress in network technologies: Network bandwidth grows faster than Moore’s law Fast interconnection network getting cheap Connects cheap uniprocessor systems into a large distributed machine Network of Workstations, Clusters, GRID 00s: parallel architectures are back Transistors per chip >> microproc transistors Harder to get more performance from a uniprocessor SMT (Simultaneous multithreading), CMP (Chip Multi- Processor), ultimately Massive CMP E.g. Intel Pentium D, Core Duo, AMD Dual Core, IBM Power5, Sun Niagara, etc.
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 114 What is a Parallel Architecture? “A parallel computer is a collection of processing elements that can communicate and cooperate to solve a large problem fast.” -- Almasi & Gottlieb
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 115 Parallel computers A parallel computer is a collection of processing elements that can communicate and cooperate to solve a large problem fast. [Almasi&Gottlieb] “collection of processing elements” How many? How powerful each? Scalability? Few very powerful (e.g., Altix) vs. many small ones (BlueGene) “that can communicate” How do PEs communicate? (shared memory vs. msg passing) Interconnection network (bus, multistage, crossbar, …) Evaluation criteria: cost, latency, throughput, scalability, and fault tolerance
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 116 “and cooperate” Issues: granularity, synchronization, and autonomy Synchronization allows sequencing of operations to ensure correctness Granularity up => parallelism down, communication down, overhead down Statement/Instruction level: 2-10 instructions (ECE 521) Loop level: 10-1K instructions Task level: 1K – 1M instructions Program level: > 1M instructions Autonomy SIMD (single instruction stream) vs. MIMD (multiple instruction streams)
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 117 “solve a large problem fast” General vs. special purpose machine? Any machine can solve certain problems well What domains? Highly (embarassingly) parallel apps Many scientific codes Medium parallel apps Many engineering apps (finite-elements, VLSI-CAD) Not parallel apps Compilers, editors (do we care?)
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 118 Why parallel computers? Absolute performance: Can we afford to wait? Folding of a single protein takes years to simulate on the most advanced microprocessor. It only takes days on a parallel computer Weather forecast: timeliness is crucial Cost/performance Harder to improve performance on a single processor Bigger monolithic processor vs. many, simple processors Power/performance Reliability and availability Key enabling technology: Advances in microproc and interconnect technology Advances in software technology
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 119 Scope of CSC/ECE 506 Parallelism Loop Level and Task Level Parallelism Flynn taxonomy: SIMD (vector architecture) MIMD Shared memory machines (SMP and DSM) Clusters Programming Model: Shared Memory Message passing Hybrid
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 120 Loop level parallelism Each iteration can be computed independently Each iteration cannot be computed independently, thus does not have loop level parallelism + Very high parallelism > 1K + Often easy to achieve load balance - Some loops are not parallel - Some apps do not have many loops for (i=0; i<8; i++) a[i] = b[i] + c[i]; for (i=0; i<8; i++) a[i] = b[i] + a[i-1];
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 121 Task level parallelism Arbitrary code segments in a single program Across loops: Subroutines: Threads: e.g. editor: GUI, printing, parsing + Larger granularity => low overheads, communication - Low degree of parallelism - Hard to balance … for (i=0; i<n; i++) sum = sum + a[i]; for (i=0; i<n; i++) prod = prod * a[i]; … Cost = getCost(); A = computeSum(); B = A + Cost;
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 122 Program level parallelism Various independent programs execute together gmake: gcc –c code1.c// assign to proc1 gcc –c code2.c// assign to proc2 gcc –c main.c// assign to proc3 gcc main.o code1.o code2.o + no communication - Hard to balance - Few opportunities
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 123 Scope of CSC/ECE 506 Parallelism Loop Level and Task Level Parallelism Flynn taxonomy: SIMD (vector architecture) MIMD *Shared memory machines (SMP and DSM) Clusters Programming Model: Shared Memory Message passing Hybrid
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 124 Taxonomy of Parallel Computers The Flynn taxonomy: Single or multiple instruction streams. Single or multiple data streams. 1. SISD machine (Most desktops, laptops) Only one instruction fetch stream Most of today’s workstations or desktops
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 125 SIMD Examples: Vector processors, SIMD extensions (MMX) A single instruction operates on multiple data items. Pseudo-SIMD popular for multimedia extension SISD: for (i=0; i<8; i++) a[i] = b[i] + c[i]; SIMD: a = b + c; // vector addition
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 126 MISD machine Example: CMU Warp Systolic arrays
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 127 Systolic Arrays (contd.) Practical realizations (e.g. iWARP) use quite general processors Enable variety of algorithms on same hardware But dedicated interconnect channels Data transfer directly from register to register across channel Specialized, and same problems as SIMD General purpose systems work well for same algorithms (locality etc.) Example: Systolic array for 1-D convolution
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 128 MIMD machine Independent processors connected together to form a multiprocessor system. Physical organization: Determines which memory hierarchy level is shared Programming abstraction: Shared Memory: on a chip: Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) Interconnected by a bus: Symmetric multiprocessors (SMP) Point-to-point interconnection: Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) Distributed Memory: Clusters, Grid
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 129 MIMD Physical Organization P caches MP Shared Cache Architecture: - CMP (or Simultaneous Multi-Threading) - e.g.: Pentium4 chip, IBM Power4 chip, SUN Niagara, Pentium D, etc. - Implies shared memory hardware … P caches MP … Network UMA (Uniform Memory Access) Shared Memory : - Pentium Pro Quad, Sun Enterprise, etc. - What interconnection network? - Bus - Multistage - Crossbar - etc. - Implies shared memory hardware
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 130 MIMD Physical Organization (2) P caches M … Network P caches M NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) Shared Memory : - SGI Origin, Altix, IBM p690, AMD Hammer-based system - What interconnection network? - Crossbar - Mesh - Hypercube - etc. - Also referred to as Distributed Shared Memory
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 131 MIMD Physical Organization (3) P caches M Network P caches M I/O Distributed System/Memory: - Also called clusters, grid - Don’t confuse it with distributed shared memory
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 132 Parallel vs. Distributed Computers Cost size Parallel comp Distrib comp Perf size Parallel comp Distrib comp Small scale machines: parallel system cheaper Large scale machines: distributed system cheaper Performance: parallel system better (but more expensive) System size: parallel system limited, and cost grows fast However, must also consider software cost
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 133 Scope of CSC/ECE 506 Parallelism Loop Level and Task Level Parallelism Flynn taxonomy: MIMD Shared memory machines (SMP and DSM) Programming Model: Shared Memory Message passing Hybrid (e.g., UPC) Data parallel
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 134 Programming Models Shared Memory / Shared Address Space: Each processor can see the entire memory Programming model = thread programming in uniprocessor systems
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 135 Distributed Memory / Message Passing / Multiple Address Space: a processor can only directly access its own local memory. All communication happens by explicit messages.
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 136 Shared Mem compared to Msg Passing + Can easily be automated (parallelizing compiler, OpenMP) + Shared vars are not communicated, but must be guarded - How to provide shared memory? Complex hardware - Synchronization overhead grows fast with more processors +- Difficult to debug, not intuitive for users
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 137 Data Parallel Prog Paradigm & Systems Programming model Operations performed in parallel on each element of data structure Logically single thread of control, performs sequential or parallel steps Conceptually, a processor associated with each data element Architectural model Array of many simple, cheap processors with little memory each Processors don’t sequence through instructions Attached to a control processor that issues instructions Specialized and general communication, cheap global synchronization Original motivations Matches simple differential equation solvers Centralize high cost of instruction fetch/sequencing
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 138 Application of Data Parallelism Each PE contains an employee record with his/her salary If salary > 100K then salary = salary *1.05 else salary = salary *1.10 Logically, the whole operation is a single step Some processors enabled for arithmetic operation, others disabled Other examples: Finite differences, linear algebra,... Document searching, graphics, image processing,... Some recent machines: Thinking Machines CM-1, CM-2 (and CM-5) Maspar MP-1 and MP-2,
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 139 Common Today Systolic Arrays: idea adopted in graphics and network processors Dataflow: idea adopted in superscalar processors Shared memory: most small scale servers (up to 128 processors) Now in workstations/desktops/laptops, too Message passing: most large scale systems clusters, grid (hundreds to thousands of processors) Data parallel/SIMD: small scale: SIMD multimedia extension (MMX, VIS) large scale: vector processors
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 140 Top 500 Supercomputer Let’s look at the Earth Simulator Was #1 in 2004, now #10 in 2006 Hardware: 5,120 (640 8-way nodes) 500 MHz NEC CPUs 8 GFLOPS per CPU (41 TFLOPS total) 30s TFLOPS sustained performance! 2 GB (4 512 MB FPLRAM modules) per CPU (10 TB total) shared memory inside the node 10 TB total memory 640 × 640 crossbar switch between the nodes 16 GB/s inter-node bandwidth 20 kVA power consumption per node
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 141 Programming Model In a CPU: data parallel, using automatic vectorization Instruction level In a node (8 CPUs): shared memory using OpenMP Loop level Across nodes: message passing using MPI-2 or HPF Algorithm level
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 142 “The machine room sits at approximately 4th floor level. The 3rd floor level is taken by hundreds of kilometers of copper cabling, and the lower floors house the air conditioning and electrical equipment. The structure is enclosed in a cooling shell, with the air pumped from underneath through the cabinets, and collected to the two long sides of the building. The aeroshell gives the building its "pumped-up" appearance. The machine room is electromagnetically shielded to prevent interference from nearby expressway and rail. Even the halogen light sources are outside the shield, and the light is distributed by a grid of scattering pipes under the ceiling. The entire structure is mechanically isolated from the surroundings, suspended in order to make it less prone to earthquake damage. All attachments (power, cooling, access walkways) are flexible. “
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 143
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 144 Linpack performance: 40 TFlops, 80% peak Real world performance: 33-66% peak (vs. less than 15% for clusters) Cost? Hint: starts with 4 Maintenance $15M per year Failure one processor per week Distributed Memory Parallel Computing System which 640 processor nodes interconnected by Single-Stage Crossbar Network
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 145 Fastest (#1 as of Aug 2006) BlueGene processors Each processor PowerPC MHz (2.8 GFlops) Rpeak (GFlops):183 TFLOPS Rmax (GFlops):136 TFLOPS
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture - Chapter 146 Limitations of very large machines Niche market Power wall By using low power processor, BlueGene can scale to a very large processor count Many practical issues: electricity, cooling, etc. Programming wall Extremely hard to extract performance out of very large machine