FALL ADJUSTMENTS What you need to know.
Goals and Objectives What is Fall Adjustments? What gets adjusted? What can you do to prepare? Completing the forms Completing the HR process
The Budget Cycle School ResumesFall Adjustments Budget Review / Development Prep Financial State of the District Enrollment Projections Board Retreat Identify Cuts (if necessary) Finalize and Communicate SBB Allocations Budget Forms Received Budget Development 1 on 1 Identify RIBs (if necessary) CSC Approves Budget Teacher Staffing Principal Completes HR forms Post vacant positions Interviews and Hiring IBB Cycle Internal / External Cycle Final Budget Submission Ongoing Interviews / Hiring Direct Placement Cycle External Cycle School Action Board Action September December January February March April - June
Key Dates for Fall Adjustments September 4 th – Final pupil count is pulled from Infinite Campus at 5:00pm September 5 th – Schools receive their Fall Adjustment forms September 9 th – Fall Adjustment forms are due back to the budget office by September 11 th – Budget office notifies Principal’s of approval/denial of requested funding - Newly created positions are posted by the schools through the Teacher Staffing System
What is Fall Adjustments? Fall Adjustments is a combination of things Budgeted Enrollment Holding Carry Forward School budget adjustment associated with allocating funding based on actual student enrollment in a school (versus projected enrollment) Budgeted Enrollment Holding +/- Carry Forward +/- Dollar impact of Enrollment Changes FALL ADJUSTMENT
What’s getting adjusted? SBB Base (K-12 with K =.50) Instructional Allocation (K-12 with K =.50) Free and Reduced Lunch Supplemental Funds (1-12) Mild Moderate Minimum Required FTE adjustment Additional dollars (K-12 with K =.50) Student Services Required Student Service Days Additional dollars (K-12 with K =.50) GT Additional Dollars Based on identified GT population
What’s getting adjusted? Program Changes ECE and Kinder Based on information from Early Ed Adjustment to FTE, Para hours and Supplies Informational Only (no further action required) ESL FTE adjustment Informational Only (no further action required)
Hurdles and Offsets The following new moneys that result from the pension will be subject to offset [A]: Additional base dollars for high schools, middle schools and 6-12s Additional per pupil funds to support Gifted and Talented Additional per pupil funds to support Free Lunch students Additional money for expanded Mild Moderate and Specialized Services The above allocations will decrease to the extent that schools are currently receiving extra allocations in the following areas [B]. These categories below are called hurdles: Incremental Base per pupil that the K8s receive above all other levels Fiscal Year Small School Subsidy Extra allocations for magnet programs (ie., Table X) Mild Moderate and Specialized Services funding above per pupil levels
Getting Prepared Review your Enrollment Holding account Cayenta reports are now available Estimate Carry Forward Ledger Mid Year Review Infinite Campus Enrollment Summaries Run the report daily Understanding the report Monthly Trial Balance Identifies available balances to plan in the event of a reduction
The IC School Membership Summary K REMEMBER K=.50 ECE = /2 Total Enrollment Change = 13
Understanding the Forms – Fall Adjustment Tab First Section Unrestricted Carry Forward Budgeted Enrollment Holding Second Section Enrollment Numbers Class Size Relief FTE Payback Information FTEs allocated in the spring as a loan Schools notified in the approval from Brett Fuhrman if required to pay back
Understanding the Forms – Fall Adjustment Tab Third Section Per pupil based adjustments Base Instructional Free & Reduced Lunch Supplemental Funds Mild Moderate Student Services Gifted & Talented Fourth Section Program based adjustments – adjusted based on program requirements ELA/ESL ECE Kinder
Understanding the Forms – Distribution Request Form Divided into sections based on category of funding to be distributed (reduced) Instructional Increased Instructional dollars must be distributed to Instructional Accounts Enrollment Holding and Administrative Supplies are only to be used to cover deficits Mild Moderate Minimum FTE increases or decreases will be pre-populated Increased Mild Moderate Additional Dollars must be distributed to Mild Moderate Accounts Enrollment Holding and Administrative Supplies are only to be used to cover deficits Student Service Days Minimum Student Services Day increases or decreases will be pre-populated Increased Student Services Additional Dollars must be distributed to Student Services Accounts Enrollment Holding and Administrative Supplies are only to be used to cover deficits
Understanding the Forms – Distribution Request Form Gifted & Talented Increased Gifted & Talented Additional Dollars must be distributed to Gifted & Talented Accounts Enrollment Holding and Administrative Supplies are only to be used to cover deficits Other Accounts – Discretionary spending Unrestricted Carry Forward Base Fall Adjustment Free & Reduced Lunch Supplemental Funds Fall Adjustment Class Size Relief Payback Enrollment Holding Remaining to distribute Includes all Enrollment Holding not used to cover deficits in other categories
Understanding the Forms – Restricted Carry Forward FYI Only Resources will be returned to the account from which they came No action needed
Completing the Forms Fall Adjustment Tab Determine your enrollment change by reviewing the Variance column in the Second Section Fall adjustment is largely based on Enrollment K-12 (K=.50) Variance Review Unrestricted Carry Forward Balance and Budgeted Enrollment Holding Review the Third Section (enrollment based adjustments) to see the dollar impact of enrollment changes
Completing the Forms Distribution Request Form – Allocating to (Reducing) Non- Salary Accounts Determine which account number you would like to allocate to (use to cover a reduction) Select account number from the dropdown list If desired number is not available enter the 20 digit Cayenta account in the “Enter other account” cell Do not include dashes, periods or spaces Enter the amount to allocate (reduce) in the amount column If covering a deficit enter the amount as a negative number Once the correct amount has been distributed (reduced) “balance check – Instructional Dollars Remaining” will equal 0 and red error message will disappear
Completing the Forms Distribution Request Form – Allocating to (Reducing) Salary Accounts Determine which position you would like to purchase (use to cover a reduction) Select account number from the dropdown list If desired number is not available enter the 20 digit Cayenta account in the “Enter other account” cell Do not include dashes, periods or spaces Select the Job Code associated with the position from Job # drop down list and the average rate w/ benefits will populate In the FTE/HRS/Days column enter the amount of FTE/HRS/Days you would like to purchase (reduce) If covering a deficit enter the amount as a negative number Enter the Grade and Course associated with the position you are purchasing (reducing)
Completing the Forms Complete the same process for each of the funding categories There should be no red “request total amount” error messages remaining on the form. All increases must be fully allocated Any remaining funds will be distributed to supply accounts All reductions must be covered Return forms to no later than 5:00pm on September 9
2008 Fall Adjustments – Human Resources Calendar/Timeline RIB process Questions/Comments/Concerns