Labor Market By Quyen Mao
Contents Definition of Labor Union Pros of Labor Union Cons of Labor Union Labor Union in Venezuela Anti-Chavez Unions CTV Possible Solutions
What is Labor Union? Originated in Europe called the Trade Union An organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members' interests in respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions
Pros of Labor Union Help members with their wages and benefits Be treated fairly by the employers Represent the entire workforce for a bigger chance of success Protect minorities from being fired Strikes
Cons of Labor Union Increase wages above the market average level for corporations to grant Disturb the means of production Chaos Long strikes are costly for employees
Labor Union in Venezuela A “workers' paradise,” according to President Chavez World's most dangerous country for union organizers Increasing death rates of union leaders Creating mafia atmosphere
Anti-Chavez Unions Number of Unions increased under President Chavez Marino Alvarado, investigator for Provea (Provide) human rights in Caracas
Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela (Venezuelan Confederation of Workers; CTV) Founded in 1936 Located in the city of Caracas Dictatorship until 1958 Struggle for the workers’ rights and the working class Dominated by the Democratic party Leader is Carlos Ortega
Coup d'état(status) attempt Carlos Ortega was sentenced to a 16 year prison term for his role in the December 2002 boss lock out (not to be confused with the April 2002 coup d'etat attempt) Both are called coup attempts Oil Strike (boss lock out) was in Dec to President Chavez to force a new presidential election To overthrow the existing government is in April 2002 Different strategies and different periods
Possible Solutions Limit the number of labor unions Investigate death of union leaders Increase law enforcement
References Merriam-Webster Dictionary s_de_Venezuela E2%80% tat_attempt