7th Review Meeting of TEQIP-II on 24th & 25th April 2015 Govt Enginering College, Thrissur Targets of the Institutional development plan and their current status of achievement. Revised IDP. Governance Development plan Accreditation Performance & Statutory Audit Reports Expenditure Review
No.Deliverables Base line Targets to be achieved as per IDP Targets achieved As on date Target to be achieved at the end of the Project Period 1Number of students registered for (a) Masters in Engineering programme (b) Doctoral programme in Engineering ( ) Total % of the Revenue from externally funded R&D projects and consultancies in total revenue (Rs. in lakh) %12 3Number of publications in refereed journals (a) National (b) International IRG as % of total annual recurring expenditure %2 % 5 Number of co ‐ authored publications in refereed journals (a) National (b) International Student credentials (a) campus placement rate of UG students PG students (b) average salary of placement package for (Rs. in lakh) UG students PG students 30% 3% % 15% % 4% % 15% Targets & Achievements - 1 GECT
No.DeliverablesBase line Targets to be achieved as per IDP Targets achieved As on 16th April 2015 Target to be achieved at the end of the Project Period 7Number of collaborative programmes with Industry Accreditation status (obtained and applied for) UG – Applied- 100% PG- 0% 100% of eligible UG + PG programmes 23.53%(Out of 7 UG and 10 eligible PG programmes) 100% 9Vacancy position for faculty and staff10%0Faculty -0%0% 10Percentage of regular faculty having a Masters Degree or a Doctorate Degree in Engineering disciplines 71% 11% 80% 20% 73.8% (M.Tech) 22.8% (Ph.D) 70% 30% 11Transit rate from 1st to 2nd year All Students SC and ST Students OBC Students Women Students 75% 35% 74% 81% % SC: 70% ST: 11.11% SC&ST: 59.18% OBC: 87.21% Female: 94.5% 90% 75% 15% 65% 90% 95% 12Autonomy status Enrolment of faculty with only Bachelor Degree for qualification upgradation 1484 Targets & Achievements - 2 GECT
Governance Development plan GECT STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES 1.Well qualified and experienced faculty1.Lack of state-of-the-art equipments in labs 2.Merit based admission through entrance examination ensures high quality students 2.Inadequate library facilities 3.Dual control by Govt. and University in academic and administrative matters 3.Low fees structure and communal reservations ensure social equity 4.Lack of academic and administrative autonomy 4.Approved research centre of Calicut University 5.Inadequate training for faculty and support staff 5.Active interaction with professional bodies and alumni 6.Inadequate number of Research and PG programs 6.Geographically central location with easy access (a) S-O Strategies(c) W-O Strategies OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIES 1. Aid from Central & State Govt.1.Quality up gradation of staff through QIP scheme and training programmes 2.Emphasis on outgoing students’ quality 3.Strengthening of research activities 4.Thrust on empowerment of weaker section students 1. Modernisation of labs using Central and State Govt. funds 2. Strengthening the College Library by providing digital facilities and access to external learning resources 3. Attainment of autonomy 4. Emphasis on training for faculty and support staff 2. Growing demand for trained engineers globally 3. Scope for starting new PG & Research programmes 4. Govt. plans for starting Nodal Centres for Training 5. Govt. schemes for quality up gradation of faculty under QIP 6. Scope for consultancy work and for providing training and technical know- how to the industry. (b) S-T Strategies(d) W-T Strategies THREATSTHREATS 1. Obsolescence of equipments due to rapid changes in technology. 1. Provision of Orientation Programmes, Remedial Classes and Soft Skill Training for needy students 2. Ensuring professional growth by better interaction with Alumni and Professional Societies 3. Commencement of new PG Programmes 4. Strengthening of Counselling Cell with special emphasis on weaker section students 1. Conducting academic programmes to tap the potential of experienced retired faculty/practising engineers. 2. Organizing Orientation Programmes, Pedagogical Training, Short Term Training in thrust areas for fresh faculty to enhance quality of teaching of new generation colleges 2. Growing number of institutions with modern facilities in the private sector. 3. Lower superannuation age causes experienced faculty to migrate to new generation colleges. 4. Low percentage of pass and placement of SC/ST students Analysis for Strategic Planning
Governance Development Plan - Goals, Objectives & Strategy GECT GoalsObjectivesStrategy Achieve 100% passIncrease pass percentage by 2% every year Give remedial teaching for weak students Achieve 100% placementsIncrease campus placements by 10% every year 1. Strengthen Placement & Training Cell. 2. Give pre placement training in personality and soft skill development for students. To enhance researchProduce 25 Ph D’s from the college in 5 years 1. Encourage Ph D scholars to complete the research in time. 2. Attract quality students for research To improve quality and quantity of faculty publications Faculty to publish a minimum of 15 papers annually in refereed journal with IF> 1.5 Support and encourage faculty for publishing activities Improve teaching effectivenessIncrease Teaching Effectiveness Index (TEI) of the college by 2% annually Encourage use of multi media and other innovative teaching techniques by faculty Introduce periodic changes in curriculum to meet the changing needs of the industry Revise curriculum once in 4 yearsObtain autonomy status Ensure enhancement of Industry Institute Interaction Undertake at least 10 industry specific projects by faculty annually. Strengthen III Cell Update the college library with latest text books and periodicals Increase volume of books by 2000 every year Get sufficient budget allocation for library
Governance Development Plan - Goals, Objectives & Strategy GECT GoalsObjectivesStrategy Ensure periodic training to faculty and support staff in emerging areas of science & technology Ensure that all faculty/lab staff/administrative staff attend at least 1 training programme annually Make use of TEQIP/ FDP/ISTE/QIP training programmes Establish collaboration with National and International Organisations for exchange of ideas Sign at least 2 MoU’s with reputed national and international research organisations. Make effective use of net working with reputed organisations Improve industrial exposure of students Ensure that every student visit at least 3 industries/ undergo training of minimum 10 days duration during the period of study Make effective use of the alumni support and industry interaction Introduce academic and administrative autonomy Achieve autonomy within a year. Get autonomy by influencing Govt./UGC Set up new laboratories in emerging areas by procuring latest equipments and machinery Set up at least one lab per year in new and emerging area Make use of AICTE/QIP funds Start new PG and Research programmes in emerging fields Start at least one PG / research programme per year Do SWOT analysis for feasibility and submit proposal. Enhance consultancy and R&D activities Increase IRG through consultancy by 5% every year Encourage faculty to take up consultancy projects Undertake socially relevant projects At least 10 socially relevant projects to be taken up anually Encourage faculty and students to take up socially relevant projects
Accreditation GECT 7 UG & 10 PG Programmes to be accredited in 4 Stages. Fee Remitted & SAR Uploaded for 4 PG Courses SAR Preparation ongoing for 6 PG Courses & 7 UG Courses 39 Lakhs are allocated for remitting fee for accreditation of 6 PG Courses & 7 UG Courses
Performance Audit Reports GECT Audited by Dr. J Srihari Rao Former Professor & Dean, NIT Warangal No. of Performance Audit Conducted 2 First Audit4-6 July 2013 Second Audit28-29 April 2014
Statutory Audit Report GECT
Expenditure Review -1 GECT Sl. No Activity/Category of Expenditure Total Budget Provision out of Rs Lakh Amount spent out of 750 Lakh Advance amount released Total 1 Improvement in teaching, training and learning facilities – Procurement Providing Assistantship for increased enrolment in existing and new PG Enhancement of R&D and Institutional Consultancy activities Faculty and Staff Development (FSD) Enhanced Interaction with Industry Institutional Management Capacity Enhancement Academic Reforms Academic Support for weak students Incremental Operating Cost TOTAL
Expenditure Review -2 GECT I TEQIP Fund utilization 1. Fund received from SPFU Total expenditure as on March 31, Total expenditure as on 16 April 2015 (Excess taken as loan) Interest earned from Project Fund Amount in Corpus fund as on 31 March Amount in FSD as on 31 March Amount in Equipment Replacement Fund as on 31 Mar Amount in Maintenance Fund as on 31 March II State Fund utilization Fund received from State Govt Expenditure Recurring expenditure Total Revenue Revenue from Consultancy & Testing25.41
Activities of Finishing School Under TEQIP – II GECT Sl No. Name of the ProgrammeDept & YearDateAmountUnder 1 Communication Skill tarining program II nd year students and M. Tech students department 6-20 April Students Support 2 Positive attitude,Motivation,Group Playing,Goal setting EEE,ECE, Ist year students 10th to 13th Nov Students Support 3 Positive attitude,Motivation,Group Playing,Goal setting ME,CE Dept., to Ist year students 04th to 07th Nov Students Support 4 Positive attitude,Motivation,Group Playing,Goal setting ChE, PE, CSE, Ist year students Nov Students Support 5 Campus recruitment training students 1st year & IIIrd students all department 09th to 22nd Jan III Cell 6Intensive training to students B. Tech course completed students 07/10/2013 to 1/11/ Students Support 7Students training programme II nd year students in students in all department 17th to 20th Sep and 24th to 27th Sep III Cell