Notes for Light Wave Booklet
Student will need 1 cover and 2 pages. Put your name on the back. You will color and assemble the booklet after your notes are completed.
Electro Magnetic Spectrum (EMS). There are 6 types of light. The waves radiate from outer space to earth.
Radio Long wavelength Low frequency Lowest photon energy AM/FM radio, TV, Microwave
Infrared Slightly lower frequency than radio waves. The warmth you feel from the sun. Greater kinetic energy = greater skin temperature.
Visible The only section of the spectrum we can see. Very small range of E.M.S. Causes photosynthesis of plants.
Ultra Violet UV rays Greater frequency than visible light. Photons are more energetic. Kills Bacteria. Sterilizes hospital equipment.
X Ray Shorter wave length. Highest photon energy level. Travels through skin and muscle.
Gamma Highest frequency. Opposite from radio waves. Kills cancerous cells.
Create a sentence using the first letter of each wave so you will remember the 6 waves in order. ( Work with table partner) R ________________ I _________________ V ________________ U ________________ X ________________ G ________________
Create a sentence using the first letter of each wave so you will remember the 6 waves in order. ( Work with table partner) RaccoonsRadio InvadeInfrared VillagesVisible UsingUltra Violet X-rayX-ray Glasses.Gamma
Light Wave Behaviors Reflection Light wave strikes an object and bounces off.
Light Wave Behaviors Refraction Bending of light waves caused by change in speed when moving from one medium to another.
Light Wave Behaviors Diffraction Bending of light waves around a barrier.
Light Wave Behaviors Interference Light waves colliding from multiple sources.
Visible Light We have 2 types of photoreceptors in our eyes (retina.) CONES distinguish color and detailed shapes of objects. 3 types of cones are red, green and blue. Cones overlap colors for a full spectrum. White is seen when all 3 colors are mixed. RODS distinguish light and dark of the colors. COLOR BLINDNESS: 8% of men - 0.5% of women See text page 538 to color picture.
Pigments Used for printing purposes. 3 colors are used. Magenta, Cyan and Yellow. Black is seen when all 3 colors are mixed. Absence of pigment creates white. See text page 541 to color picture.
Additional Notes Opaque material: light cannot go through. All light is absorbed or reflected. Translucent material: Allows some light to go through but some light is reflected. Transparent material: Light passes through material, no light is reflected. White = absence of pigment. White = all 3 color receptors and all colors of spectrum are seen by the eye.
Now assemble and color the electromagnetic spectrum on the cover and the diagrams for the visible color and pigments. Remember to be helpful to other students.