Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics A presentation by Jeremiah Graber Purdue University 10/05/07 I would like to thank Prof. Jones, Prof Kruczenski, Zolton Gresce, Steven Giddins and others
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics INTRODUCTION How would a black hole form? What conditions must be met? Black hole signatures Implications to physics Q UESTIONS TO BE A SKED :
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE FORMATION Schwarzschild Radius Event Horizon Plank Mass Hawking Radiation LHC Extra Dimensions T ERMINOLOGY :
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE FORMATION H OW O NE W OULD F ORM : Collision with b < r s, b is impact parameter, r s is event horizon radius r s depends on mass Regardless of subsequent collisions, this forms an Event Horizon
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE FORMATION W HY THE LHC IS N EEDED : Overcoming coulomb repulsion High velocity, relativistic mass effect
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics HIERARCY PROBLEM I NTERACTION C OUPLING C ONSTANT Strong1 Electromagnetic1/137 Weak1/10 6 Gravitational1/10 39 Gravitational Constant is much smaller than others Gravitational Constant is much smaller than others Many theories explain disparity Many theories explain disparity Black hole theory depends on two Black hole theory depends on two Large extra dimensions Large extra dimensions Highly warped extra dimensions Highly warped extra dimensions Why? Why?
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS W HY E XTRA D IMENSIONS ? Black hole formation requires scattering energy ~ Plank Mass Plank mass is inversely proportional to coupling constant Appears to be GeV If “extra” dimensions exist, than Gravitational Coupling Constant might be much larger Coupling constant only small in 4-space Rest spread out in other “y” dimensions Predicted Fundamental Plank Mass(M 4 ) ~ M w Predicts Plank Mass ~ 1 TeV Energy scale of LHC
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS W HY L ARGE OR W ARPED ? What I promise to be the worst equation of the presentation, metric of a warped geometry:
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS W HY L ARGE OR W ARPED ? For ds 2 to be large either: The area of the “extra” dimensions must be large The warp factor must be large ds 2 is directly proportional to the M 4 Plank Mass
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS W HY L ARGE OR W ARPED ? “A” is warp factor of space “m” is the “extra” dimensions. D – m = 4
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics FORMATION CONDITIONS S UMMARY OF C ONDITIONS : Collide Masses closer than r s r s is dependant on mass Relativistic Mass Plank Mass must be ~ 1 TeV Require D = 10 Require D = 10 Highly warped “extra” space (A > 3) Highly warped “extra” space (A > 3) Large volume of “extra” dimensions (fm 6 for D = 10) Large volume of “extra” dimensions (fm 6 for D = 10) LHC could produce 1 10 GeV black hole/ sec
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES H OW D OES A B LACK H OLE R ADIATE ? Consider an electron/positron pair created near event horizon: Created due to zero point energy Created due to zero point energy Normally nearly instantly annihilated Normally nearly instantly annihilated One particle escapes, the other sucked into black hole. One particle escapes, the other sucked into black hole. To conserve energy, “sucked in” particle must have negative energy To conserve energy, “sucked in” particle must have negative energy Outside observer sees this as radiating particles. Outside observer sees this as radiating particles.
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES H OW M UCH D OES A B LACK H OLE R ADIATE ? Black holes radiate proportionally to their temperature Black holes radiate proportionally to their temperature Average energy related to thermal energy Average energy related to thermal energy Temperature is inversely proportional to mass Temperature is inversely proportional to mass Black holes only contain particles with Compton wavelength < r s Black holes only contain particles with Compton wavelength < r s Large black holes can contain almost all particles Large black holes can contain almost all particles Smaller black holes must radiate many away Smaller black holes must radiate many away Large black holes consume more than they radiate Large black holes consume more than they radiate Why small black holes collapse so quickly Why small black holes collapse so quickly
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES Overview of Decay Balding Phase Settles into “hairless spinning” black hole 25% of energy lost Schwarzschild Phase Releases “Hawking Radiation” Looses 75% of energy Plank Size Unsure of what happens here Continues to radiate, thus disappears very quickly
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES B ALDING P HASE “Hairless” when most information about the original star is lost All that is left is Mass, Angular Momentum and Charge. This happens to all black holes Very quick in micro-black holes Less than 8% of black hole’s lifetime
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES Schwarzschild Phase Phase with distinct, spectacular signatures Giddings model: majority of radiation released in our 3-brane Large signature, 10 GeV of energy released ~ 1 picosecond
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES T HEORETICAL S IGNATURES Quarks and Gluons72% Leptons11% Massive Gauge Bosons8% Nuetrinos and gravitrons6% Higgs bosons2% Photons1% Spin 042% Spin ½40% Spin 116% Spin 22%
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics BLACK HOLE SIGNATURES 1 black hole/ sec creates undeniable signature No prediction of exact particles Possible it is random Roughly spherically symmetrical 80 – 95% of radiated energy visible Observe in atmosphere
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics CONCLUSIONS W OULD P RODUCING B LACK H OLES B E D ANGEROUS ? Newspaper reports, Discovery Channel specials have sparked protests about turning on the LHC The black hole would radiate away in seconds. The black hole would radiate away in seconds. Cosmic radiation strikes Earth with energy 5x of LHC Cosmic radiation strikes Earth with energy 5x of LHC
Black Hole Factories: How the LHC may usher in a new era of physics CONCLUSIONS I MPLICATIONS OF L AB P RODUCED B LACK H OLES Evidence for “extra” dimensions Without “extra” dimensions collider requires TeV Predicts D ≥ 10 for ~ 1 TeV black holes Short distance physics would basically end Use high energy to probe short distances Is there a length shorter than the Plank length? Likely not answered r s is larger than Plank length