What is the definition of a spectrum? The band of color produces when white light passess through a prism
What is the closest star to the Earth? The sun
What is the definition of black hole? An object so massive and dense that even light cannot escape its gravity
What is the 2 nd stage of a star’s life cycle? Main sequence
What are the different types of stars? Main-sequence, giants (red giant), supergiants, white-dwarf
What is a star? Huge ball of gas
How many stars are there in space? billions
Why does a star give off light? The center of it is super hot
How many types of galaxies are there? Name them. 3 Spiral, elliptical, irregular
What galaxy is our solar system in? Milky Way
What are 2 characteristics of spiral galaxies? They have a bulge at the center and spiral arms.
What is the difference in a globular cluster and an open cluster? A globular cluster is a tight groups of up to 1 million stars that looks like a ball. An open cluster is a group of closely grouped stars that are usually located along the spiral disk of a galaxy.
What are the 2 gases that are found in stars? Hydrogen and helium
What is the definition of big bang theory? The theory that states the universe began with a tremendous explosion 13.7 billion years ago
How are stars different from planets? Stars give off heat and light Planets reflect heat and light
What is the difference in a red giant and a red supergiant? A red giant is a star that expands and cools once it uses all of its hydrogen. As the center of a star shrinks, a red giant can become a red supergiant.
What is the definition of parallax? Apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from different locations
What is a light year? The distance that light travels in 1 year
How do scientists classify stars? Based on their size, mass, temperature, age, spectrum, color, brightness
What does the H-R diagram show? The relationship between a star’s surface temperature and its absolute magnitude
What is the definition of a quasar? A very luminous, starlike object that generates energy at a high rate
What do scientists think quasars might be? The core of young galaxies that are in the process of forming.
What will happen is the universe expands forever? Stars will age and die and the universe will eventually become cold and dark
How do scientists calculate the age of the universe? Measure the distance from Earth to various galaxies
Explain the relationship between cosmic background radiation and the big bang theory. Cosmic background radiation is radiation that is left over from the big bang. After the big bang, cosmic background radiation was distributed everywhere and filled all of space.