GMTIFS – An AO-Corrected Integral-Field Spectrograph and Imager for GMT Peter McGregor The Australian National University
AO-Corrected IFS GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6 Integral Field UnitSpectrographAdaptive Optics GMT LTAO SystemGMTIFS Δv = 60 km/sΔx = 6-50 mas 1 kHz 2
MOTIVATIONS GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6 3
Motivation - IFS AO-corrected integral-field spectroscopy was pioneered on 8-10m telescopes NIFS on Gemini, SINFONI on VLT, OSIRIS on Keck These have enabled “AO spectroscopy” It is now an essential feature on ~30 m telescopes Imaging studies brightnesses, colors, morphology Spectroscopy studies kinematics, excitation, physical processes GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6 4
Motivation - GMT Deliver better angular resolution with Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics (LTAO) Diffraction-limited FWHM on GMT is ~ 16 mas at 1.6 μm Black-hole masses, protoplanetary disks Diffraction-limited sampling, small FOV Collect more light from faint objects Partial AO correction, but not diffraction limit Galaxy dynamics: 0.05 arcsec sampling, 3 arcsec FOV GMTIFS will benefit in both these ways GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6 5
GMTIFS – Overview Near-infrared; μm Single-object, AO-corrected, integral-field spectroscopy Primary science instrument Two spectral resolutions: R = 5000 (Δv = 60 km/s) & (Δv = 30 km/s) Range of spatial sampling and fields of view: Narrow-field, AO-corrected, imaging camera Secondary science instrument 5 mas/pixel, 20.4× 20.4 arcsec FOV Acquisition camera for IFS NIR tip-tilt wave front sensor 150 arcsec diam. guide field Flat-field and wavelength calibration GMT 2010 Korea October Spaxel size (mas) Field of view (arcsec)0.54× × × ×2.25
GMTIFS on Instrument Platform 7 GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6
SCIENCE DRIVERS GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6 8
9 GMT Science Drivers Planets and Their Formation Imaging of exosolar planets Radial velocity searches for exoplanets Structure and dynamics of proto- planetary debris disks Star formation and the initial mass function Stellar Populations and Chemical Evolution Imaging of crowded populations Chemistry of halo giants in Local Group galaxies Assembly of Galaxies The mass evolution of galaxies Chemical evolution of galaxies Tomography of the inter-galactic medium Black Holes Mass determinations Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe Baryonic oscillations at z > 4 Supernovae at z > 1 First Light and Reionization The reionization era First Light
GMT 2010 Korea October GMT Science Drivers Planets and Their Formation Imaging of exosolar planets Radial velocity searches for exoplanets Structure and dynamics of proto- planetary debris disks Star formation and the initial mass function Stellar Populations and Chemical Evolution Imaging of crowded populations Chemistry of halo giants in Local Group galaxies Assembly of Galaxies The mass evolution of galaxies Chemical evolution of galaxies Tomography of the inter-galactic medium Black Holes Mass determinations Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe Baryonic oscillations at z > 4 Supernovae at z > 1 First Light and Reionization The reionization era First Light
GMT 2010 Korea October GMT Science Drivers Planets and Their Formation Imaging of exosolar planets Radial velocity searches for exoplanets Structure and dynamics of proto- planetary debris disks Star formation and the initial mass function Stellar Populations and Chemical Evolution Imaging of crowded populations Chemistry of halo giants in Local Group galaxies Assembly of Galaxies The mass evolution of galaxies Chemical evolution of galaxies Tomography of the inter-galactic medium Black Holes Mass determinations Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe Baryonic oscillations at z > 4 Supernovae at z > 1 First Light and Reionization The reionization era First Light
SCIENCE DRIVER The Formation of Disk Galaxies at High Redshift GMT 2010 Korea October
High-z Disk Galaxies Disk formation process Rotational velocity vs velocity dispersion (V rot /σ ~ 1-5 at z ~ 2) Mass accumulation history Hα dynamics Star formation history Hα luminosity Chemical abundance history Rest-frame optical emission-line ratios GMT 2010 Korea October
HUDF Chain Galaxies & Clump Clusters GMT 2010 Korea October ACS V NICMOS H Clump ClustersChain Galaxies Bulge Bulgeless Elmegreen et al. (2008)
High-z Disk Galaxies GMT 2010 Korea October Elmegreen et al. (2009) Clump Cluster Early Bulge Flocculent Spiral Mature Spiral
GDDS with NIFS GMT 2010 Korea October Hα [N II] arcsec z = 1.563, 10 hr on Gemini North
Disk Galaxy at z=2.35; 6 x 900 s GMT 2010 Korea October GMTIFSsim simulation HUDF - i
Disk Galaxy at z=2.35; 6 x 900 s GMT 2010 Korea October V rot σ Line Central Intensity Continuum
GMT 2010 Korea October Line Luminosities Tresse et al. (2001)Erb et al. (2006) NIRSPEC (K) SINFONI/OSIRIS + AO GMTIFS - detectable GMTIFS – not detectable F(line) = 3x erg/s/cm 2 Hα 6563 [O II] 3727 [O III] 5007
SCIENCE DRIVER Massive Nuclear Black Holes GMT 2010 Korea October
Nuclear Black Holes GMT 2010 Korea October Graham (2008)
22 Nuclear Black Holes High spatial resolution is required at high-mass end R = GM BH /σ 2 ~ 10.8 pc (M BH /10 8 M ☼ )(σ/200 km/s) -2 ~ 35.3 pc (M BH /10 9 M ☼ )(σ/350 km/s) -2 H-band diffraction limit = 0.014" 10 z = z = 0.15 High spectral resolution is required at low-mass end Probe M ☼ black holes in clusters Velocity dispersions ~ km/s => FWHM ~ km/s Requires R ~ 10,000 (Δv ~ 30 km/s) to detect presence of black hole GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6
23 High-Mass Black Holes How massive do MBHs get (> 10 9 M ☼ )? M BH vs L and M BH vs σ give disparate results What is the space density of MBHs? GMT 2010 Korea October 4-6 > 5×10 9 M ☼ from Karl Gebhardt
Stellar Velocity Dispersion Stellar absorption features CO Δv=2 at ~ 2.3 μm CO Δv=3 at ~ 1.7 μm Ca II triplet at ~ 0.85 μm Challenges of GMT Meeting June Watson et al. 2008, ApJ, 682, L21
Circumnuclear Gas Disks GMT 2010 Korea October Cygnus A Pα μm: 2×10 9 M ☼
Nuclear Star Clusters GMT 2010 Korea October Ferrarese et al. (2006) Follow the black hole scaling relations
Low-Mass BlackHoles/Star Clusters GMT 2010 Korea October Scarlata et al. (2004) 5"5"
SCIENCE DRIVER Protoplanetary Disks and Outflows from Young Stars GMT 2010 Korea October
Protostellar Disks and Outflows GMT 2010 Korea October
GMT 2010 Korea October DG Tau – Integrated [Fe II] (2005) NIFS H band Inclination ~ 60° > 5:1 jet aspect ratio Launch radius expected to be ~ 1 AU 20 AU resolution with NIFS 3 AU resn. with GMT at diffraction limit 100 AU 1 yr at 200 km/s 20 AU
Protoplanetary Disks & Outflows DG Tau jet with NIFS [Fe II] μm One stationary clump One moving clump 0.2 arcsec in 13 months 130 km/s We will see changes in ~ 1 month with GMT! GMT 2010 Korea October
GMT 2010 Korea October DG Tau – Entrainment? Bicknell (1984)
LGS WFS NGS WFS GMTIFS Light Paths GMT 2010 Korea October AO WFSsGMTIFS NIR NGS WFS IFS F-converters Imager Calibration Dichroic Opt LGS NIR ADC
Maximal Cryostat Design GMT 2010 Korea October
NIR WFS Feed GMT 2010 Korea October Tertiary Dichroic Window Compensator Field lens Beam-steering mirror Tip-tilt wave-front sensor
Fore-Optics Layout GMT 2010 Korea October Science fold mirror Relay Rotating cold-stop mask
Imager Layout GMT 2010 Korea October Relay Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector Imager feed Imager filter wheels Imager utility wheel Imager detector and focus stage
IFS Layout GMT 2010 Korea October IFS mask wheel IFS anamorphic focal ratio converters IFS filter wheel
IFS Layout GMT 2010 Korea October IFS detector and focus stage IFS image slicer IFS pupil mirrors IFS field mirrors IFS collimator IFS grating wheel and steering mirrors
Optics – Trimetric View GMT 2010 Korea October Calibration system Calibration feed mirror
Calibration Subsystem GMT 2010 Korea October LTAO wave-front sensors GMTIFS calibration system GMTIFS cryostat
SYNERGIES GMT 2010 Korea October
GMT 2010 Korea October JWST Comparison Integral-Field Spectroscopy: GMTIFS will have higher spectral resolution (R = vs 2700) AND higher spatial resolution (≤ 50 mas vs 100 mas) AND GMTIFS may have lower read noise (??? vs ~ 5 e) GMTIFS will address broader science Imaging: JWST will out-perform GMTIFS for imaging targets with 6.5 m diffraction-limited resolution (85 K) GMTIFS’s advantage is in observations requiring higher spatial resolution (22 K) Crowded fields, morphology, size measurement GMTIFS will do different science
Summary GMTIFS will be a general-purpose AO instrument for GMT It will address many of the key science drivers for GMT It will be competitive with similar instruments on other ELTs (within certain caveats) It will fully utilize the LTAO capabilities of GMT It may be able to address key science (galaxy evolution) without phasing the seven M1 segments GMT 2010 Korea October