Response to Intervention Engaging the Reluctant Teacher: Seven Reasons Why Middle & High School Instructors May Be Reluctant.


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Presentation transcript:

Response to Intervention Engaging the Reluctant Teacher: Seven Reasons Why Middle & High School Instructors May Be Reluctant to Implement Classroom RTI Literacy Interventions Jim Wright

Response to Intervention 2 Engaging the Reluctant Teacher: Seven Reasons Why Instructors May Resist Implementing Classroom RTI Literacy Interventions 1.Teachers believe that their ‘job’ is to provide content- area instruction, not to teach vocabulary and reading- comprehension strategies (Kamil et al., 2008). 2.Teachers believe that they lack the skills to implement classroom vocabulary-building and reading- comprehension strategies. (Fisher, 2007; Kamil et al., 2008). 3.Teachers feel that they don’t have adequate time to implement vocabulary-building and reading- comprehension strategies in the classroom. (Kamil et al., 2008; Walker, 2004).

Response to Intervention 3 Engaging the Reluctant Teacher: Seven Reasons Why Instructors May Resist Implementing Classroom RTI Literacy Interventions (Cont.) 4.Teachers are not convinced that there will be an adequate instructional ‘pay-off’ in their content-area if they implement literacy-building strategies in the classroom (Kamil et al., 2008). 5.Teachers are reluctant to put extra effort into implementing interventions for students who appear unmotivated (Walker, 2004) when there are other, ‘more deserving’ students who would benefit from teacher attention. 6.Teachers are afraid that, if they use a range of classroom strategies to promote literacy (e.g., extended discussion, etc.), they will have difficulty managing classroom behaviors (Kamil et al., 2008).

Response to Intervention 4 Engaging the Reluctant Teacher: Seven Reasons Why Instructors May Resist Implementing Classroom RTI Literacy Interventions (Cont.) 7.Teachers believe that ‘special education is magic’ (Martens, 1993). This belief implies that general education interventions will be insufficient to meet the student’s needs and that the student will benefit only if he or she receives special education services.

Response to Intervention 5 Team Activity: Engaging the Reluctant Teacher…

Response to Intervention ‘Scaling Up’: Four Stages of RTI Development Jim Wright

Response to Intervention 7 RTI Development: Four Stages of ‘Scaling Up’ 1.Preparation. Planning activities & creating readiness in the school system for the RTI component. 2.Initial Implementation. Bringing the component into the school setting. 3.Institutionalization. Institutionalizing the RTI component as a part of routine school and district practices. 4.Ongoing Development/Updating. Ensuring that the RTI component stays current with changing revisions in state and federal guidelines and emerging findings in RTI research. Source: Ervin, R. A., & Schaughency, E. (2008). Best practices in accessing the systems change literature. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp ). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Response to Intervention 8

Response to Intervention 9 RTI Implementation Planning Sheet: Example “GOAL: Creating Consistent Use of Effective Tier 1 Academic Strategies in Content-Area Classrooms” Stage 1: Preparation: List any preparation steps such as development of materials or staff training. Examples of Preparation Tasks:  Inventory Tier 1 Interventions Already in Use  Create a Standard Menu of Evidence-Based Tier 1 Intervention Ideas for Teachers

Response to Intervention 10 RTI Implementation Planning Sheet: Example “GOAL: Creating Consistent Use of Effective Tier 1 Academic Strategies in Content-Area Classrooms” Stage 2: Initial Implementation: Describe the tasks required to actually implement the goal. Examples of Initial Implementation Tasks:  Train Teachers to Write Specific, Measureable, Observable ‘Problem Identification Statements  Establish Tier 1 Coaching and Support Resources  Provide Classroom (Tier 1) Problem-Solving Support to Teachers  Create Formal Guidelines for Teachers to Document Tier 1 Strategies

Response to Intervention 11 RTI Implementation Planning Sheet: Example “GOAL: Creating Consistent Use of Effective Tier 1 Academic Strategies in Content-Area Classrooms” Stage 3: Institutionalization: Once the goal is initially carried out successfully, devise a plan to weave various activities that support the goal into the day-to-day institutional routine of the school. Examples of Institutionalization Tasks:  Develop Decision Rules for Referring Students from Tier 1 to Higher Levels of Intervention

Response to Intervention 12 RTI Implementation Planning Sheet: Example “GOAL: Creating Consistent Use of Effective Tier 1 Academic Strategies in Content-Area Classrooms” Stage 4: Ongoing Development/Updating: The RTI model is steadily evolving as new research indicates better methods for data collection, intervention planning, etc. The RTI Implementation Plan should include Ongoing Development/Updating tasks--ongoing activities to ensure that the district’s practices confirm to best practices over time. Examples of Ongoing Development/Updating Tasks:  Set Up a System to Locate Additional Evidence-Based Tier 1 Intervention Ideas

Response to Intervention 13 RTI Steering Committee: Using the Four Stages of ‘Scaling Up’ in Planning First, the RTI Steering Committee selects a series of ‘RTI Implementation Goals.’ These goals should be more general, global goals that will require attention through all stages of the RTI implementation process. The RTI Steering Committee then takes each of the general RTI Implementation Goals and breaks the global goal into a series of specific subtasks. Subtasks are sorted by stage of implementation.

Response to Intervention Implementing Response to Intervention in Secondary Schools: Key Challenges to Changing a System Jim Wright

Response to Intervention 15 RTI: Research Questions Q: What Conditions Support the Successful Implementation of RTI? RTI requires: Continuing professional development to give teachers the skills to implement RTI and educate new staff because of personnel turnover. Administrators who assert leadership under RTI, including setting staff expectations for RTI implementation, find the needed resources, and monitor the fidelity of implementation. Proactive hiring of teachers who support the principles of RTI and have the skills to put RTI into practice in the classroom. The changing of job roles of teachers and support staff (school psychologists, reading specialists, special educators, etc.) to support the RTI model. Input from teachers and support staff (‘bottom-up’) about how to make RTI work in the school or district, as well as guidance from administration (‘top-down’). Source: Fuchs, D., & Deshler, D. D. (2007). What we need to know about responsiveness to intervention (and shouldn’t be afraid to ask).. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 22(2), 129–136.

Response to Intervention 16 RTI Systems Change: Recommended First Steps 1.Establish a district-level RTI Steering Group 2.Promote stakeholder understanding & support  Inform stakeholders about the RTI model  Solicit stakeholder feedback about the proposed RTI model  Develop a plan to build stakeholder RTI support 3.Create and update a multi-year RTI implementation plan 4.Inventory existing resources to support implementation of RTI 5.Build capacity in the district RTI model to evolve as conditions change (e.g., by tracking emerging research and changes in state/federal regulations; networking with other school districts). Source: McDougal, J. L., Graney, S. B., Wright, J. A., & Ardoin, S. P. (in press). RTI in practice:A practical guide to implementing effective evidence-based interventions in your school. New York: Wiley.

Response to Intervention 17 Systems-Level Factors That Can Influence Failure of Students to Graduate “…many [models of dropout prevention] fail to recognize the role that school environmental factors play in school droput. For example, large school size is positively correlated with decreased attendance, lower grade point averages and standardized test scores, higher dropout rates, and higher crime than smaller schools serving similar children. School practices, such as tracking and grade retention, have a negative correlation with school completion rates independent of the student’s ability level. Other school- related factors such as high concentrations of low-achieving students and less qualified teachers are also associated with higher dropout rates.” Source: Jimerson, S. R., Reschly, A. L., & Hess, R. S. (2008). Best practices in developing academic local norms. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp ). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists. p. 1089

Response to Intervention 18 Preventing Your School from Developing ‘RTI Antibodies’ Schools can anticipate and take steps to address challenges to RTI implementation in schools This proactive stance toward RTI adoption will reduce the probability that the ‘host’ school or district will reject RTI as a model

Response to Intervention 19 Middle & High School RTI: Targeting the Reform of Classroom Practices “Restructuring efforts that appear promising are those that focus on changing what happens within classrooms, specifically on improving curriculum and instruction; however, programs typically welcomed by districts are those that accommodate the district and school.” Source: Jimerson, S. R., Reschly, A. L., & Hess, R. S. (2008). Best practices in developing academic local norms. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V (pp ). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists. p.1090

Response to Intervention 20 Role of ‘School Culture’ in the Acceptability of Interventions “…school staffs are interested in strategies that fit a group instructional and management template; intensive strategies required by at-risk and poorly motivated students are often viewed as cost ineffective. Treatments and interventions that do not address the primary mission of schooling are seen as a poor match to school priorities and are likely to be rejected. Thus, intervention and management approaches that are universal in nature and that involve a standard dosage that is easy to deliver (e.g., classwide social skills training) have a higher likelihood of making it into routine or standard school practice.” Source: Walker, H. M. (2004). Use of evidence-based interventions in schools: Where we've been, where we are, and where we need to go. School Psychology Review, 33, pp

Response to Intervention 21 Barriers in Schools to Innovations in Interventions “Factors that have been identified as barriers to … acceptance and implementation by educators [of effective behavioral interventions for at at-risk students] include characteristics of the host organization, practitioner behavior, costs, lack of program readiness, the absence of program champions and advocates within the host organization, philosophical objections, lack of fit between the program's key features and organizational routines and operations, and weak staff participation.” Source: Walker, H. M. (2004). Use of evidence-based interventions in schools: Where we've been, where we are, and where we need to go. School Psychology Review, 33, p. 400

Response to Intervention 22 Team Activity: Create an RTI Secondary Action Plan In your elbow groups: 1.Review the RTI Readiness Inventory- -‘Top Tasks’ for Implementing RTI at the Middle & High School Level. 2.Select the top 2-3 areas that you would like to work on in the coming school year to implement an RTI model in your secondary school. 3.Be prepared to share main points of your discussion.

Response to Intervention 23 END

Response to Intervention 24 Team Activity: Create a Plan for One RTI Literacy Action Item Directions : Select one important RTI literacy initiative that your school would like to undertake in the coming school year. On the RTI Implementation Planning Sheet, begin to brainstorm how to move forward with initiative through the Preparation, Initial Implementation, Institutionalization, and Ongoing Development/Updating phases. (Use a separate page for each stage.)

Response to Intervention 25 Innovations in Education: Efficacy vs. Effectiveness “A useful distinction has recently emerged between efficacy and effectiveness (Schoenwald & Hoagwood, 2001). Efficacy refers to intervention outcomes that are produced by researchers and program developers under ideal conditions of implementation (i.e., adequate resources, close supervision …). In contrast, effectiveness refers to demonstration(s) of socially valid outcomes under normal conditions of usage in the target setting(s) for which the intervention was developed. Demonstrations of effectiveness are far more difficult than demonstrations of efficacy. In fact, numerous promising interventions and approaches fail to bridge the gap between efficacy and effectiveness.” [Emphasis added] Source: Walker, H. M. (2004). Use of evidence-based interventions in schools: Where we've been, where we are, and where we need to go. School Psychology Review, 33, p. 400