By Tracy Papinchock ISTC 702 Summer 2010 Mod 8 Strategic Planning, Technology, & Leadership Presentation
The Recommendation PLCs will use Google Docs to facilitate the creation of common assessments.
How does it connect to our School Improvement Plan? Operational Objective 2: Increase use of common assessments in HSA tested areas ILT/SIT Action 1: Teachers analyze curriculum and work collaboratively to create common assessments Module 6
What is Google Docs? Click on the link below to view a short presentation on Google Docs “Google Docs: A New Way to Collaborate” Module 4
Why use Google Docs? Use Google Docs to facilitate Peer Learning Community (PLC) discussion, growth, and sharing. Documents are organized in one place and accessible by all. Google Docs makes it easy to create the common assessments that is required by the School Improvement Plan. Module 4
What does our HSA Data say? Module 1 & 7
Concerns- Based Adoption Model (CBAM) Module 6
Leadership The Pilot (Expert) PLC Team School Librarian Technology Liaison School Improvement Team School Administrators Module 1
Leadership School Librarian Train to be an “expert” in Google Docs Offer suggestions on differentiation of lessons Present innovative ways to use Google Docs in the classroom Module 1
Staff Development – First Steps Beginning of Year A PLC group will pilot the use of Google Docs in their PLC work for the first 1 or 2 sessions. October faculty meeting Introduce to Faculty Breakout sessions to set up each PLC with Google Docs Module 6
Staff Development – Next Steps October PLC groups will explore using Google Docs ‘Wired Wednesdays’ will focus on Google Docs November faculty meeting Breakout sessions Module 6
Staff Development – Continued Steps Frequently asked questions / Discussion Board – online help Wired Wednesdays – feature taking Google Docs to the next level May faculty meeting – PLC celebration – share experiences with Google Docs Module 6
Aiding the Adult Learner The Adult Learner Be Practical Create a Climate of Exploration Provide Positive Feedback Recognize Participants are Busy Module 6
Funding Ready to Teach Grant Program National Education Association Foundation Fund for Teachers Grant The Braitmayar Foundation Citigroup Foundation Module 5
Assessing Success 1 st year – all PLC groups create at least 1 common assessment 2 nd year - teachers should move up a level on the Concerns Based Approach Model
Differentiation Process – PLC at home - work at the same time and see each others edits – PLC using Skype or Gmail chat and edit documents together Product – Use Windows Skydrive – Use Wikispaces Module 3
Maryland Teacher Technology Standards I. Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application II. Communication IV. Assessment for Administration and Instruction VII. Professional Growth Module 6
Bibliography (n.d.). Table 2. nature of teacher/library media specialist collaboration. (n.d.). Andragony: Principles of adult education. Retrieved from Blackboard during Module 6. Baltimore County Public Schools. (2003). Maryland teacher technology standards. Delta Group. (2010). ISTC 702 module 4 assignment: Google docs, a new way to collaborate. Retrieved on July 12, 2010 from the Towson University Blackboard site. Harford County Public Schools. (2010). School improvement plan for c. milton wright high school. Retrieved on July 12, 2010 from ISTE. (2010). Technology leadership standards. Retrieved on July 12, 2010 from ders/Technology_Leadership_Standards.htm ders/Technology_Leadership_Standards.htm ISTE. (2008). National educational technology standards and performance indicators for teachers. MSDE. (2010) maryland report card. Retrieved on July 12, 2010 from PerfGrade10all PerfGrade10all National Academy of Sciences. (2005). The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM): A Model for Change in Individuals. Retrieved on July 12, 2010 from