Office 365 – evaluating, Deploying & Migrating – Notes from the field Daryl Gwyn Office 365 TSP (Technical Solutions Professional) Microsoft Corporation OSP350
Pay-as-you-go, per-user licensing Complete Office experience with services integration Always the latest version of Office and Office Web Apps Familiar Office user experience IM & Presence across firewalls GAL search in SharePoint Online meeting with desktop sharing Windows Live federation My Sites to manage and share documents Access documents offline Document-level permissions Share documents securely with Extranet Sites 25Gb mailbox with voic & unified messaging Integrated personal archiving Retention policies and legal hold Free/busy coexistence Office 365 Enterprise Service Descriptions
The two types of Enterprise worker
Find all users who have the trial licenses… #EDIT LINES ABOVE WITH APPROPRIATE SKU INFO From “Get-MsolAccountSku” $oldLicensePack = "Microsoft Ltd:ENTERPRISEPACK" $newLicensePack = "Microsoft Ltd:DESKLESSPACK" #Get all users that are currently licensed### $currentLicensedUsers = Get-MsolUser -All | ?{$_.islicensed -eq $true} #create array to store users who match the OLD License Pack $arrayUsersWithMatchingLicenses # Step through each user and find those with the trial licenses $currentLicensedUsers | %{ $skuid = $_.licenses | Select-Object accountskuid if ($skuid.accountskuid -eq $oldLicensePack) { $arrayUsersWithMatchingLicenses += $_ } }
Change those user’s licenses… #for each user, remove the trail and add the purchased license. $arrayUsersWithMatchingLicenses | %{ Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -RemoveLicenses $oldLicensePack -AddLicenses $newLicensePack }
Customer Microsoft Online Services 21 | Microsoft Confidential
CodeTitleSchedule OSP221Microsoft Office 365 for Enterprises 6/26/ :30 OSP222Empowering Small Businesses: Microsoft Office 365 P-Suite 6/27/ :15 OSP305The Modern Compatibility Process to Accelerate Microsoft Office Deployment 6/27/ :00 OSP224Microsoft Office 365 Management and Deployment 6/27/ :00 OSP321Active Directory Integration with Microsoft Office 365 6/28/2012 8:30 OSP303Supporting Microsoft Office in an Enterprise Environment 6/28/ :00 OSP302Building Integrated Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Online, and Office Solutions Using BCS and LOB Data 6/28/ :45 OSP340Office Deployment – Notes from the Field 6/28/ :30 OSP323Microsoft Office 365 Security, Privacy, and Trust 6/29/2012 8:30 OSP324Microsoft Office 365 Service Reliability and Disaster Recovery 6/29/ :15 OSP350Office 365 – evaluating, Deploying & Migrating – Notes from the field 6/29/ :00 OSP223Microsoft Office 365 for Education 6/29/ :45
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