Topics arising from discussion at the Salamanca GeoGebra Day
Topics Certification Local and international conferences Share materials on a common site Translation of materials to be used in other places Collaborating with neighboring institutes Events should go on GeoGebra website Publication in teacher and research journals Reserve GeoGebra domain names in countries?
Topics Grants from foundations and companies – Finland? Put student theses on web with English Abstracts! Accredited courses How to get institutes known in other universities and develop collaboration Develop nice logos for all institutes How to get local support? Institutes can learn from each other
Topics Coordination Committees in large countries (Spain) Certification criteria - Committee Publication database on website Certification registration Who and how pay for courses? School examinations could include GeoGebra Research committee and coordination Successful applications can show effectiveness
Topics Research grant applications? Encourage people to put on the Wiki / GeogebraTube Collaborators of conferences Teaching GeoGebra is not free, how to organize teaching? Local workshops and conferences? International collaboration for getting funding
Topics Institute head chairs meetings Institute meeting places – Funding Invite the press for GeoGebra conferences – press release