American Romanticism 1800-1855 Are You a Romantic? American Romanticism 1800-1855
Do you have a Spirit of Adventure? Romantic Ideals Do you have a Spirit of Adventure? “Manifest Destiny” – The notion that the USA would “fill” the borders between Canada and Mexico, and between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean The Industrial Revolution – Changing from an Agrarian Society to an Industrial Economy & Society
Are you a Social Reformist? Romantic Ideals Are you a Social Reformist? Abolitionists advocated for anti-slavery movements and laws Emancipation for blacks, women, minorities Workers unions Voting rights
Romantic Ideals Are you a Nationalist? Our national interests more important than those of other countries Our regional interests more important than those of the union [Sectionalism divided the nation prior to the Civil War]
Is Nature Your Inspiration? Romantic Ideals Is Nature Your Inspiration? Durand’s painting (pg 300) Writing Celebration of nature as power and comfort Celebration of the Pioneer Spirit Celebration of the Common Man
Are you a Transcendentalist? Romantic Ideals Are you a Transcendentalist? Follow individual beliefs (rather than the crowd) Have faith in individual integrity Honor individual choice Critique materialism & rigid obedience to law Optimistic belief in progress of mankind
Is there a “Dark” side in you? Romantic Ideals Is there a “Dark” side in you? American Gothic Grotesque characters Bizarre situations Violence Imagination free from restriction Fascination with the irrational
So, Where Are You? Write about your Romantic (or non-Romantic) sides. Explore the concepts we have just discussed. Give examples that are specific and personal. Write in complete paragraphs. Write coherently. Remember: Beginning, Middle, End. The focusing question is this: Are You a Romantic?