Oliver Fisher 8.6
Passive solar uses eaves to block and let in natural heat from the Sun. In summer the sun has a higher orbit so the angle of the rays are stoped by the eaves. In winter the Sun has a lower orbit so the Suns rays can shine into the house without the eaves blocking the way. summer(hot) The sun has a higher orbit/eaves block the sun/stoping the heat from coming in because it is hot. Winter(cold) The sun has a lower orbit/ eaves cant block the sun/letting the heat come in because it is cold.
Water tanks are used to store water from the rain for you to use in the house/garden when ever needed. Water tanks come in different shapes, sizes and colours to suit your house.
Solar Power Solar panels make renewable energy from the sun. There are many different types of solar panels but they all do the same thing make electricity from the sun. Solar power energy is clean and eco friendly but no sun no power.
Grey Water System Grey water systems are a simple but affective way to save water. You can water your plants with dirty water that would of went down the drain instead of using drinking water. The average house hold can reduce their water consumption by around 30% by reusing grey water on their garden.
Double Glazed Double glazed windows use two sheets of glass with a small gap between them which makes a insulating barrier. According to Arup Facade Engineering a high-performance window can keep you up to 5 degrees warmer in winter and 10 degrees cooler in Summer. There are many benefits to double glazed windows such as noise reduction, thermal comfort, energy efficiency and really good value.
Bamboo Flooring Bamboo can be a sustainable resource because you can keep growing it. I chose bamboo flooring because it is a versatile hard wood and it is not as expensive like other woods.
Fluorescent lights require a lot less energy to make the same amount of light as an ordinary light blub. They can reduce your carbon foot print and save you a significant amount of money on your power bill. They may cost more then an ordinary light but in the long run they pay for themselves.
Garden The trees in the garden are suited to the environment and the weather around them so they do not need much care. o They are used for natural shade and shelter/Privacy o Habitat for wild life o Scenery o Fruit/Herbs/veggies/Compost/orchard