University tradition in Trnava Trnava, PhDr.Eva Kowalská,DrSc. Historický ústav SAV
University tradition in Hungarian Kingdom until 1635 Pécs, Posonium/Bratislava, Universitas Istropolitana, 1465/ Johannes Pannonius, 1459 Bishop of Pécs Matthias Corvinus, Rex Hungariae Ludovicus I Magnus, Rex Hungariae
Mixture of reasons: Universities in Vienna, Prague, Cracow (hundreds of students from Hungary) Political situation in the region of Central Europe – Ottomans since middle of 15th C.! 1526 – catastrophe (battle) at Mohács Reformation Waves of civil war in Hungary Why is there a gap in the university tradition on Slovak territory? Seal od Charles University in Prague Seal of Vienna University Sign of Jagellonian University in Cracow
Consolidation of education in Hungary (17th C.) Lutherans – absence of university until 1667 (Prešov, Collegium Statuum evangelicorum superioris Hungariae – not a reall university, closed 1671) Catholics – reconstruction of the educational system (Jesuits – Re- Catholicization through schooling) Péter Pázmány, SJ – Archbishop of Esztergom/Ostrihom Concept of educational reform: 1st step - Pázmáneum in Vienna, 2nd - Collegium Germanicum Hungaricum in Rome, 3rd - University in Trnava P. Pázmány, coat of arms The tomb of Pázmány, St Martins Cathedral Bratislava
Universitas Tyrnaviensis and the milestones of its history I – University charter, Archiepiscopalis universitas – opening ceremony of the University (St Nicholas Basilica), 1st rector Georgius Dobronoki Tenella universitatula = decent university: Faculty of letters (philosophy) + Faculty of theology only 2./ – Georgius Szelepcheny, Faculty of law (also domestic - Hungarian law!) Faculty of Theology and Philospohy St Nicholas Basilica
Universitas Tyrnaviensis and the milestones of its history II – Faculty of Medicine = > COMPLETE UNIVERSITY – Royal University - under the state control: new departments (Kammeralwissenschaften),new textbooks, new subjects (natural law!), unification of the education within the whole monarchy 1773 – abolition of Jesuit order 1777 – Ratio educationis, translation of the university to Buda/Ofen Ratio educationis, 1777
Infrastructure of the university St John the Baptist Cathedral Printing house 1648 (cca 5000 titels= cca 5 mil items) Library ( items in 1777) and archive Theatre Observatory founded by Maximilian Hell (NOT a professor!) Botanical garden Apotheca Dormitories, convicts, seminaries Large estates Manufactories (1709 paper, type foundry)
Professors, Students Scientific niveau of the professors: law, history, mathematics and astronomy, medicine, philosophy... Students (problem with relevant sources): Number ? – absence of evidence from various years Nationality ? – diversity, nationality not clearly defined Social status ? – majority of nobles and burghers Student´s life: Everyday life City vs. University (1726!) Poetic apotheosis of the University (1701) Apotheosis of the University, 18th C. Georgius Pray István Katona
Student statistics Hungarian counties with the highest number of students at the Trnava University Number of students (all together 4315 with the titel – Bc, Mag, Dr) County 1635– – –1777 Nitra = 714 Bratislava = 552 Trenčín = 359 Tekov = 194 Vas = 148 Sopron = 147 Heves = 102 Social status: evidence available for 56 per cent of all students, of them aristocrats: 3,7 per cent nobels: 81,0 per cent rest: burghers, serfs Source: NOVÁKOVÁ, Veronika: Vzdelávanie šľachty Bratislavskej stolice na domácich a zahraničných univerzitách, vysokých školách a vyšších vzdelávacích inštitúciách od 16.storočia do roku In M.Kovačka, E.Augustínová, M.Mačuha, Zemianstvo na Slovensku v novoveku II, Martin 2010, p. 66.
Higher education in Trnava after 1777 Royal academy („semi-university“) , then moved to Bratislava * * * 1959/60 The Insitute of Pedagogy, transformed into Faculty of Pedagogy of Comenius University The Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Slovak University of Technology => 1991 Faculty of Material Science and Technology of Slovak University of Technology 1992 The Trnava University 1997 The University of Ss Cyrill and Methodius
University tradition in Trnava Thanks a lot for your attention ! (and invitation, Mr Ing. Milan Petráš, PhD. ) Tip for reading (in Slovak, however) :