Tahir Kapetanovic ENM TF Co-Chair XIX Florence Forum, 13-14 December 2010 Draft Pilot FG for Electricity Grid Connection.


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Presentation transcript:

Tahir Kapetanovic ENM TF Co-Chair XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Draft Pilot FG for Electricity Grid Connection

2XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Content Review Public consultation Next steps

3XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Recall – FG Draft before Public Consultation Based on updated Problem Definition & refined Objectives, the FG Draft structure and contents were finalised: 1.Standardised Minimum Requirements -Minimum requirements for all grid users (g/c) -Requirements for critical grid situations -Testing, verification, monitoring & enforcement 2.Information Exchange (TSOs/DSOs/grid users) -General information exchange requirements -Real-time information sharing

4XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Recall – FG Draft (cont‘d) Connection Regimes for* 3.Large-Scale Intermittent Generation -Set up of first common rules ever -Growing importance -Growing impact of on system operation and security 4.Distributed Generation -Only where affecting transmission (not directly connected) 5.Demand Response -Remove paucity of requirements for providing easier possibility for demand response to contribute to system operation activities * Addressing specific requirements for these areas

5XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Review ERGEG approval of draft version of Framework Guidelines for public consultation Public consultation – Evaluation of comments and revision of Framework Guidelines ERGEG approval on

6XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Public Consultation 9 questions raised by ERGEG 31 responses: TSOs, DSOs, European and national associations, equipment manufacturers, Generators, Gas suppliers

7XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Public Consultation - Outcome Main issues: New structure of the document Definitions, especially DSO as SO/grid user Governance (a whole new section added) Minimum requirements applicable for all kinds of grid users Grid users with specific requirements – together No exceptions as a part of the codes Implementation (timescale and significant users to be defined within the NC) Application on existing users More details on Cost /Benefits Analysis

8XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Next Steps Submission of Framework Guidelines to European Commission Forwarding by Commission to ENTSO-E Assignment to ENTSO-E to draft Network Code(s)

9XIX Florence Forum, December 2010 Thank you for your attention!