Www.shellproject.net. Making Transition Work: The SHELL FE/HE Progress File Dr David Croot SHELL PROJECT University of Plymouth.


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Presentation transcript:

Making Transition Work: The SHELL FE/HE Progress File Dr David Croot SHELL PROJECT University of Plymouth

Shell Project Background What is Shell and who is involved? How is it going to work? What will be the benefits? The longer-term view

Background Regional partnerships with FE colleges Widening Participation Progress Files IT based/e-learning experience & interest Over 4000 students co-register Current administrative processes are inefficient Dispersed population, often in small centres Courses not always available in local area Travel time can be significant

The JISC 1/01 Programme Develop protocols and standards for the transfer of information across institutions Develop the theme of student-centred lifelong learning Explore access to and delivery of learning materials across institutions Building Managed Learning Environments across HE and FE

SHELL – S outhwest H osts E nhancing L ifelong L earning Core Group (those who prepared the bid) University of Plymouth (lead institution) Cornwall CollegeNorth Devon College Exeter CollegeSomerset College of Arts & Technology Wider Consortium (those who provided letters of support) Bicton CollegeCity of Bristol College East Devon CollegePlymouth College of AD Weymouth CollegeSouth Devon College Weymouth College South Devon College Truro CollegePlymouth College of FE Highlands CollegePenwith College

Improve administration – with single registration for all co-registering students and rapid, efficient transfer of data between partners Support VLE Development & Integration – with timely student access to partner VLE course materials, and a mechanism for transfer of results back to partner institutions Support lifelong learning – by providing access to consortium learner records for all students registered after the start of the project Project aims

SR SCR Exam Board IT Architecture:Hub and io-Agents SHELL HUB io-Agent VLE SR PDP

SR SCR Exam Board Hub and io-Agents Institution SHELL HUB io-Agent VLE

Benefits at the end of the project Students should benefit from … Single registration process at their college Single registration process at their college Access to online learning materials at the University Access to online learning materials at the University Long-term access to a lifelong personal learner record via the Shell web portal Long-term access to a lifelong personal learner record via the Shell web portal Potentially smoother transition between institutions Potentially smoother transition between institutions

Institutions should benefit from … Simplified registration processes Support for widening participation Staff access to learner records Help in meeting the personal development agenda A facility (based on IMS) for linking applications A facility (based on IMS) for linking applications within an institution within an institution Benefits at the end of the project

JISC Community should benefit from … A sizeable project linking HE & FE A sizeable project linking HE & FE Development of a lifelong learning record Development of a lifelong learning record A potential national framework A potential national framework Benefits at the end of the project

Project phases Phase 1 (target September 2003) Implement for the core group of partners …using a multi-institution learner record based on qualifications achieved and in progress Approximately 100,000 students in the SCR Phase 2 (target September 2004) Implement for the wider consortium …extending the multi- institution learner record to include personal development Approximately 300,000 students in the SCR

The Longer-Term Vision Learner Record Regional clusters are created and the learner record is then built from all UK FE and HE institutions Schools are linked in Business Processes Registration processes are simplified by being able to draw data from a comprehensive learner source. Awarding bodies and UCAS are linked in, fundamentally improving the effectiveness of the exchange of data on learners

SCR HE FE Region FE School HE SCR Exam Board SHELL HUB School FE UCAS Region SCR HE School The Longer-Term Vision