Generative Middleware Specializations for Distributed, Real-time and Embedded Systems Institute for Software Integrated Systems Dept of EECS, Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN, USA Akshay Dabholkar and Aniruddha Gokhale Research supported by NSF CAREER Award To be submitted to ISORC 2011
Motivation: Why Specialize Middleware? General-purpose middleware offer a number of features to support a wide range of applications In general, the application & middleware design forces are antagonistic Middleware features are organized into cooperating layers But the rigid layered processing adds time and space overhead
Impediments to Middleware Specialization Identification of specialization invariants Inference of the specialization opportunities from the context Selection of specialization points and paths in middleware Realization of the specializations Approach based on blending together Aspect-oriented and Featured-oriented Programming; Generative Programming; and Model-driven Engineering
Non intrusive – no drastic changes to middleware API interfaces, and application implementations Maintain Portability, Interoperability of middleware Automatic – Manual approaches are tedious and error prone when applied to mature middleware Evolvable with the middleware sources Requirements for a Middleware Specialization Approach
Generative Middleware Specializations (GeMS) GeMS leverages existing system modeling and specialization engines based on FOP/AOP Generator uses a generic specialization algorithm that supports pattern and framework specialization plugins Code is inputted back to FORMS once FOCUS is done with its transformations
GAMMA Approach to Middleware Specialization GAMMA leverages existing system modeling and specialization engines based on FOP/AOP, D&C and runtime weavers Specializations need to be validated to ensure that they meet the end-to-end requirements of the application. Generators and Aspects for Manipulation of Middleware Architectures